Chapter 13 (Roman)

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In my downtime while Eiyah was away I got my work done. Focusing on missing her didn't help me in the least bit. Meeting with new couplings, food tastings for the ball's menu then I went to check on the shirt Amalia was working on.

Walking into the shoppe I wasn't expecting to see Vanessa there but there she was looking at a dress Amalia was working on. I certainly wasn't expecting to walk in on a girlie gab fest.

"I know you know that Roman is her match. Why haven't you talked her into running away with him?"

She was whispering. Surely I wasn't meant to hear this so I cleared my throat bringing attention to myself.

"Hey Ro."

Amalia greeted still working on the dress in front of her

"This is Eiyah's mom Vanessa. She's just here checking out my progress on her dress."

This was Eiyah's dress? It was gorgeous and surely she's going to look every bit of a princess in it at the ball. She will steal the show. My mood crashed when I remembered that she'd be handed over to Noah that night and it might be the last chance I have to make her mine.

"Do you like it Ro? Do you think she'll approve?"

I nodded emphatically

"Good, I'm glad because I would be heartbroken if she turned it down. I've worked my butt off on it."

My attention fell back on the smaller woman that was standing in front of me holding out her hand

"Nice to meet you Roman. Next time you need to sneak in you should text me."

She handed me her card and turned to walk away.

"Actually, I was hoping to sleep over there tonight."

She nodded.

"Thank you for the update Amalia. I think we are just about paid off right?"

Amalia smiled and nodded then Vanessa left the store. I stood there not knowing if I should bring up what I'd just heard.

"Don't be stupid Ro. I know you heard her say that shit but you'd both be killed for that. Find another way to make this work."

All of this was said while she was tucking several tiny pleats. Finishing she turned to me and pointed to the dress form in the back of the room.

"It's ready. I hope it fits right this time."

Her and I both. I'd been back twice already for alterations. I pulled it off the mannequin and tried it on. It was perfect this time.

"It's perfect Mali. Thank you for this."

She nodded and pulled me over to her table where we could sit.

"Where is she?"

I shook my head. Just thinking about her being with Noah soured my mood further but I wasn't going to take that out on Amalia.

"She's with Noah today." I huffed " He took her for a picnic. I'm staying the night with her tonight though."

She grimaced but it turned into a smile that could brighten up the darkest corner when she heard we'd be staying the night together.

"Okay, you should make a move tonight. Show her that you're a contender. That you're not counting yourself out."

Not what I expected to hear from my always cautious cousin but I needed this.

"Go get flowers from the florist and maybe grab some fruit to feed her. Nothing messy. You need sexy fruit like strawberries or grapes."

She was practically bouncing in her seat as she told me what to do. I just took mental notes while nodding at everything she said.

"Bring her here tomorrow and leave her with me so we can gab. She'll likely let slip how she feels about you and I can report back. I freaking love her for you and I want her to be part of our family."

Awww Amalia made a friend and she loves my Eiyah. I finished up with Amalia at the shop and made my way towards the florist. I remembered her telling me she liked calla lilies and those vibrant star gazer ones. Having a custom arrangement made of those two I took it and myself home to get ready for the night ahead of us. I'd pick up the fruit on my way to her house. Game on Noah.

A/N: First off, please forgive me for the shortness of this chapter. Sometimes I don't have too use as many words to get things across.

Roman isn't gonna take it lying down as you can see. I wish I had a cousin in my corner like Amalia. In another world she'd probably be my best friend. Tell me your thoughts on the story in the comments.

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