Chapter 8 (Eiyah)

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**Mild trigger warning for the following chapter. vulgar speech**

I can't believe he fucking did that and now I'm here giggling with him stupidly. Does he not understand what a deal is? Because he sure acts like he doesn't. Wh, what is he doing to me? Gods yes that feels so good.

He'd rubbed his face against mine and I wanted to melt. He smelled delicious and I felt the urge to lick him. Ugh what the fuck! Why would I want to do that with Noah of all people?

Clearing my mind of my want I looked over to a crestfallen Roman. He looked like someone had kicked his puppy.

"Can I go to Roman now? We are away from prying eyes."

Noah's eyes darkened and I could swear I heard him growl. Who does that? Who growls at people like some wild animal?

"Go on over to your lover boy Eiyah. Don't expect me to be all sunshine and rainbows though. Know this, I am a male that doesn't share well"

I didn't miss the iciness of his tone as he spoke the last sentence but I was too excited to let it bog me down. I pecked Noah's cheek before disembarking from him. To be honest I did that without even thinking and I garnered a purr from Noah. That big baddy just purred when I kissed his cheek.

I'd made my way over to a waiting Roman and he wrapped me in his arms giving me his warmth. That storm was rolling in faster and temps were dropping pretty low.

"We should head home"

Roman whispered to me as he looked down into my eyes. Amalia was all giggles as she watched us interact. Roman felt like home and I loved basking in his presence.

"I, I don't wanna go home. I wanna stay with you"

I whimpered. The cold was starting to get to me. My teeth were chattering and my body was shivering uncontrollably yet I wanted to stay where I was for just a little bit longer.

"Eiyah, come here. It'll only take a moment"

I wrapped myself around Roman tighter willing Noah away from me but it didn't work. Again, I was subconsciously reminded of the deal. The deal that Noah wasn't upholding very well. The Ass! Roman released me when I tapped his arm. He'd grunted about it and I did the same.

Being handed over to Noah from Roman wasn't fun. I wanted to be in Romans arms but when Noah beckoned me like that I had to go to him. Like he was some sort of flame and I a stupid moth drifting towards the danger. Noah hugged me when I was in his arms and somehow shared his warmth with me. I couldn't help the contented sigh that slipped out of me.

"Mine" his chest rumbled "I don't like this but for you I'll do anything. Anything to keep you happy."

He whispered before pecking my forehead. I was warm. So toasty warm in Noah's arms that I didn't want to leave but I had no choice when he pushed me aside into Romans.

"Noah, what the..."

My words fell away when 2 men approached Noah and spoke to him quietly. Roman tucked my head under his chin and spoke to me softly.

"I'll never cast you away like that Eiyah. I would rather cast myself upon a blade before hurting you"

His words seemingly beautiful was like a knife to what I thought I was feeling for Noah. I was warm in Romans arms but not quite as toasty as I was in Noah's. I chanced a peek when Roman loosened his grasp. Gone was Noah and the 2 men. I didn't understand where had he'd run off to. My phone pinged at the receipt of a text in my pocket.

Noah: Duty calls. I'll be in touch later. By the way you looked beautiful today.

I couldn't help but smile at the compliment he'd given me even if he couldn't tell me face to face.

Me: How am I supposed to get home? Plus I'm supposed to be gone all day Noah. This is hurting my feelings.

Noah: I'll make it up to you later. Go home and hang out with Roman. I'll pick you up after I finish.

Me: Fine. I'll see you tonight

Noah: Ttyl Princess

Me: Ttyl

Roman was reading while I responded which didn't bother me. What did bother me was his huffing about the situation.

"Problem Roman?"

He slid my phone into his pocket and tilted my chin so I could look into his eyes

"He hurt you today and now you're smiling at his texts. I don't like this Eiyah."

He was right. I just kinda swept what he'd done under the rug and I really don't know why. I am the queen of grudge holding normally. What's wrong with me?

"I know, I know. I don't know what's come over me. I'm sorry Roman"

He caressed my face and snuggled me closer

"It's ok. Let's just toughen that resolve of yours. Come on Amalia we're gonna head towards home before this storm gets any closer"

We walked down the trail and hopped in the car. Amalia chose to sit in the back seat so I could sit next to Roman who'd already intertwined our fingers.

"Are you cold, Gorgeous?"

I shook my head clearly lying as I sat there shivering. He turned on the heater without even sparing me a glance though he did squeeze my hand.

After getting warm it was a battle to stay awake during the long drive towards Valhalla one I lost about 45 minutes in. I'd woken to being lifted out of my seat and into Romans arms

"Shhh just sleep. I'm gonna put you in my bed"

I took his advice and tucked my face into the crook of his neck and drifted away again.

A/N: Boy oh boy we got to see more of jealous Roman. How do we feel about Roman reading her messages over her shoulder? Let me know your thoughts in the comments.

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