Chapter 17 part 1 (Eiyah)

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Soft touches and warm sunlight that's what I woke up to this morning. Roman was playing with my hair as I blinked the sleep away


I cooed looking into those eyes I loved oh so much.

"Morning Princess"

He'd responded before kissing my lips softly. Closing my eyes, flashes of the night before projected against the back of my lids like a movie. The sudden clench in my belly made me smile

"I was expecting you in the shower but coming out and seeing you all snuggled up in my shirt was an amazing consolation prize"

I opened my eyes again looking into his. He was smiling as he looked down into mine.

"You're mistaken good sir. This shirt is now mine and I dare you to try and take it"

He made no move to take instead he slid me into his arms pressing our body's together. My head tucked under his chin while his arms were securely wrapped around my waist. I could hear the thumping of his heart as I lay there pressed against him.

"All that is mine is yours, my love, but know that I will take as well."

It was to be expected but what he would take I wasn't quite sure of. He was rubbing my back now and I was all too happy to accept it from him but a knock at the front door ended our little moment. Cursing under my breath as I slid into some clothes another knock sounded at the door.


I called down ahead of me as I walked down the stairs. Opening the door two people stood holding different bags.

"Where is your kitchen?"

One of the two suddenly asked. They were dressed like waiters and it took me a moment to remember that Noah said he'd be sending breakfast. I pointed to the kitchen and the walked around me straight to the kitchen.

"Give us 5 minutes and we will be out of your hair. Mr. Noah Moreau was very specific on the way he wanted this to be presented"

Moreau, so that was his last name. It's actually very pretty and it would sound amazing as my last name. Oh crap, I can't be thinking like this right now. I left the two of them and walked upstairs. Walking into the bedroom I found Roman texting someone.

"Breakfast is being set up. Noah sent it"

He glowered. I picked up my phone and shot a text to Noah but not before noticing his text from the night prior.

Noah: I'm home. I really wish you were here with me. I'll be busy tomorrow but please text me when you wake up. (Sent at 9:45pm)

I wondered what he was gonna be busy with but remembered he's a grumbly man, an important grumbly man, my important grumbly man. I was smiling at my phone thinking of this kiss we'd shared. The way he moaned beneath me. I almost forgot Roman was in the room. Almost.

"Eiyah?" I looked at him "Can I ask that you keep talking to him to a minimum while I'm here?"

I nodded

"Yeah, I just need to finish this up. Gimme about 15 minutes to get this squared away."

I heard the front door open and close and took that as the signal that breakfast was all set.

"Okay Love. I'm gonna get dressed then I'll meet you at the table"

He kissed my forehead and I headed back to the kitchen. Stopping at the doorway my jaw dropped. The table was covered with waffles, pancakes, French toast, bacon, sausage and all the fixings.

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