Chapter 12 (Noah)

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**Trigger Warning: Language and sexual activity**

The sun was already shining so what better time to cast off. On the road I tried to reach out a few times but I was unsuccessful. Calling one more time she picked up the phone.

Eiyah: Hello

Her voice was like fresh air after being in a stuffy room.

Me: Good Morning Princess, I'm on my way back to Valhalla and should be there in three hours. I wanna make up for yesterday if you'll let me.

I knew she was pissed but I still wanted to try and make it ok between us.

Eiyah: Yeah, sure.three hours right?

Is that annoyance I sense?

Me: Right. Right. So... where did you sleep last night?

This was the moment of truth. Can I trust her?

Eiyah: I slept at Roman's. Yesterday must've taken a lot out of me. I slept through dinner and breakfast just waking up ten minutes ago

She was honest! Thank the goddess she didn't lie to me.

Me: Thank you for being truthful.

The rest of our conversation was a whirlwind of emotions but it wasn't bad in the least. I ended up picking her up from Romans. She reeked of him and that put my beast on edge but soon enough I'd be able to fix it.

"I missed you" I caressed her face "I brought you a surprise"

I placed the necklace on her and told her what it was and drove home for her not to remove it. She seemed to understand and she caressed it carefully. Somehow she made that necklace prettier just by it being on her neck.

I held her hand as we headed toward my unclaimed lands. Lands that belonged to kingdoms that were no more. There we would find solace and have a picnic where no one would bother us.

Having had picked up the picnic basket along the way to get her from Romans we were able to drive without making any detours. She was quiet most of the drive only commenting when she saw something pretty in the landscape around us or when I'd hit a pothole making her grumble.

After driving for a few hours we finally turned off into a field and parked. I handed her the dress and shoes before leaving the car and setting up our picnic. I'd just finished setting out our sandwiches when she stepped out. The dress hugged her curves beautifully and the shoes were barely visible with the dress kissing the ground she was standing on.

"It's long. Can we have it hemmed?"

I nodded grabbing her hands and bringing her over to the blanket.

"Yeah, I'll ask my tailor to come over and handle it"

She shook her head

"Amalia can do this. I'd rather give her the work if you don't mind."

Amalia, the female that came along with Roman? A tailor? Hmmm I guess that couldn't hurt.

"I don't mind. So... tell me, how was it sleeping at Romans? Did he try any funny business? Cause if he..."

She waved her hand shutting me up on the spot.

"No, no we aren't doing this. What I do with Roman stays between Roman and I just like what I do with you stays between you and I."

She put the issue to bed effectively. My beast whimpered and wanted to be touched by his mate so he urged us to move closer. I grabbed her hand and kissed it sating him for a bit.

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