Chapter 4 p2 (Eiyah)

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**Mild trigger warning for the following chapter. Negative speech and threats of violence throughout**

Realizing what I was supposed to be getting ready for I looked at my phone it read 11:55pm. Shit, shit shit I chided myself while running up the stairs to put on some clothing that was more appropriate to go out in. It took me all of 3 minutes to slide into some joggers and a hoodie. I grabbed my keys and slipped out of the front door.

I noticed a dark expensive looking sedan waiting at the stop sign and approached it. Rolling the window down Roman flashed me a megawatt smile making me swoon just a little bit harder

"You look so cozy" I blushed "Hop in."

I did just that. Climbing into the car I secured my seatbelt and off we went. The old sugar mill wasn't far so we got there in under 10 minutes.

There were cars around us but the sounds of sex surprised me. Pants could be heard from more than one of the vehicles even with our windows rolled up. Vulgar. We sat in awkward silence for a few moments before I piped up

Me: You wanted to see me so... here I am

He barely glanced at me before picking at his fingers and fidgeting

Me: Roman, don't be nervous. It's only me

That seemed to help him relax. He unlatched his seatbelt and angled his body toward mine

Roman: I don't like other men around you

His face was hard and I could tell he was having a hard time conveying his words the way he wanted them to be taken

Me: Okay... and?

He swallows hard then took my hands in his kissing my palms sweetly

Roman: I just don't like it. I'd rather you spend time with me Eiyah

His eyes held so many emotions. All of them swirled together but then one stood out. Fear. What was he afraid of?

Me: I'm spending time with you now Roman. Let's take advantage of what we have ok?

He nodded and relaxed into his seat. His sighs told me something was on his mind but I chose not to pry. The silence was becoming deafening so I turned on his radio and plugged the aux into my phone playing my favorites for him.

"So much good music." He exclaimed "I didn't peg you for a fan of Perfect Circle let alone your favorite song to be Counting Bodies"

I chuckled shaking my head. So many stereotypes have been subconsciously pinned to me here and I'm glad I'll be able to show my real colors to someone like Roman.

"No one thinks I listen to the music I do. It's always "You like rap right?" And more often then not I say no and people get offended" I scoffed "Offended that I don't fit into their little box of preconceived notions"

The music shuffled and yet another favorite played through the speakers making my body sway. Though Roman looked hesitant at first he joined in after a few minutes. We giggled, sung and hummed to our hearts content before turning off the music and really settling in to talk

Me: So... I'm going to the mountains with Noah tomorrow

I saw his jaw tick before he looked back at the parking lot in front of us

Roman: Why? Why are you going anywhere with him?

Me: I don't exactly have a choice. It's either go to the mountains with the edge lord or risk more damage to my house and my family

I regretted the words as the carelessly flapped out of my mouth. Beside me a crazy eyed Roman sat seething

Roman: What the hell do you mean damage to your house and family?

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