Chapter 15 (Eiyah)

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I can't believe I freaking did that to Noah. That inner voice of mine won this time and boy, to the victor go the spoils namely my honeymoon to Iceland. Noah keeps stealing glances and I just want to melt. Dominant Eiyah has been under wraps forever. What man wants a woman like that? Looking at Noah it seems as if he does. I couldn't help but chuckle internally.

"Can I stay the night with you tonight? It's forward but I thought after that kiss you might be open to it"

Oh man, This is gonna be a fun conversation. I readied myself to deal with asshole Noah.

"Roman is staying the night tonight. Maybe tomorrow?"

His grip on my hand tightened. It looked like his eye color shifted again. If I told anyone about this they would surely think I was losing it.

"Eiyah, why is he staying at your house? Do your parents know about this?"

His words dripped with venom and I fidgeted with my hands reverting back to nervous, quiet Eiyah.

"No, nuh uh. Gimme my Dominant Goddess back. Tell me what's happening. Give it to me straight. This was all part of the deal remember?"

I'm not a fan of conflict. It's hard for me to deal with but here it goes.

"He's coming to sleep over with me. I like sharing the bed with him, I just want to spend as much time as I can with him plus you know I love him."

I shrugged smiling as I thought about Roman. Noah pulled over and took my hands into his. Searching his eyes I can see his internal conflict raging.

"Since he's staying there tonight I'd like to stay the night on Friday if that's ok with you. If you agree can you please make sure all the bedding is washed prior to me arriving?" I nodded "Ok, I'm trusting you. What happens between you two stays between you two for the time being."

I smiled to myself knowing just how to get to Noah now. I can't just ask. I'll have to demand sometimes and right now it was my body making demands. It was demanding him. He was watching me from his seat. His eyes were a bit darker than normal and his breath was ragged. It didn't scare me this time though. This time it actually turned me on.

Climbing into his lap again I started kissing him drawing his bottom lip into my mouth and biting his this time. His moans were full of rasp and lust as I slid my body against his. Still fully clothed but the friction was bringing me to delicious heights.


He muttered attacking my neck with soft little kisses.

"I like this Noah. My Noah."

He liked that. He moaned again. His movements became more focused as he brought me to the edge of the precipice and pushed me over crying out his name at the same time.


I whispered against his ear


He responded. The rest of the car ride was quiet after we pulled back into the road. I felt powerful. So freaking powerful bringing a man like Noah down just by using my goddess given gifts. He held my hand lovingly and even made sure I got up to my room safely before heading back to his own house.

"Night Noah"

He kissed me slowly relishing in us before pulled away and pecking my forehead

"Goodnight Beautiful. I'll send you breakfast in the morning."

I didn't understand why he would do that but I wasn't about to question him.

"Text me when you're home."

He nodded and left the house. Hopping in his car and driving away I waited at the window till I couldn't see his tail lights anymore before hopping in the shower to get ready for my night with Roman. My father surprised me stepping into my room.

"Hey, I was worried about you. Did Noah treat you nicely?"

I nodded and hugged him tight. There was just something about my fathers arms that made me feel 5 again.

"He did. We had a lot of fun yesterday and today"

I had to keep up the rouse since he didn't know where I slept last night. If he knew I slept with Roman I would never hear the end of it.

"I'm surprised. I thought for sure you would hate every moment with him. He's a lot to deal with unlike you"

He kissed my temple. I thought the same thing he did but getting to know the real Noah has helped me to come around.

"Well, I'm heading out of town for a few days with a few old friends. Please make sure you call me if there are any issues. I'll only be a few hours away."

I nodded still wrapped around him. I hated when he went out of town. The weirdest things would happen and Mom would disappear only to reappear right before he was due home. I always wondered where she'd go but she would always tell me it didn't matter 'yet' and for me to stay naive for as long as I could. When I learned what that word meant I was livid.

"Ok. Be safe please."

After kissing my forehead one more time he turned and walked out of my bedroom door shooting me a wink before closing it behind him.

Looking myself in the mirror before stepping foot in the shower I had to really look at myself. I'd done something I never thought I'd do and for whatever reason I had no qualms about doing it to Noah. Nope, not at all. The little voice in my head chanted "all is fair in love and war whether forced or freely given." She was right for the second time today. Now let's get ready to see our Roman.

A/N: Give me your thoughts on what just occurred with Noah? Can you understand things from Eiyah's point of view? Let's talk about it in the comments.

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