Chapter 11 (Noah)

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**Trigger Warning: Vulgar language**

Being collected like a child wasn't my idea of a good time. He'd pissed someone else off and I had to go make nice before some other kingdom wanted to wage war.

"My prince I'm sorry to interrupt whatever this is but we need to go now"

With one last glance and Eiyah I jogged down the trail to my truck. With the Mythlan warriors ahead of me in their own vehicle I pulled out my phone and shot a text to Eiyah. The warriors were only there to make sure I got the message so afterwards they went about their own business

Me: Duty calls. I'll be in touch later. By the way, you looked beautiful today.

She was upset that I'd left her the way I did but she knows how it needs to be. I couldn't be seen there holding her like that. What would the men tell my father? Reiterating that I would make it up to her I closed out our conversation with a "ttyl" ttyl? Why would I ever think to type something so childish so juvenile?

Hours later I find myself pulling up to the gates of the Canite kingdom. The Canites were a shifter race much like my own but they fancied themselves more civilized than that of the Mythlans. The gates opened before me and out strolled Prince Theessian. We'd grown up friends so this wasn't a problem what was was the notice he handed to me. It was a trespass notice issued to not only my father but also all Mythlans for all time

"Theessian, you gotta be kidding me bro"

He shook his head

"Your father has gone too far this time. He threatened my mother that is with child"

Fuck. How can I even try to fix this? Maybe the king will grant me an audience.

"Theessian, can you ask your father to come speak to me for a few minutes please? I won't take much of his time"

He grimaced but pulled out his phone and convinced his father to come down. King Tomas came out wearing his trademark scowl but I knew better than to take it to heart.

"Uncle Tomas, please hear me out. I do understand what my father has done and it is indeed unforgivable but I beg you to reconsider."

He raised a brow in question and stepped closer

"Noah, I don't know. This time was a lot and I don't know that Myrna will excuse it"

I climbed out of the car and stood face to face with him

"I found my match" I spoke proudly "Sooner rather than later I will ascend to the throne and become king. With that I'd rather have my best friend as an ally not an enemy. Yes my father did something stupid and I will see to it that I punish him for it when the time comes but I'd hate to see such a glorious alliance fall to the wayside in the meantime. Keep the alliance with Mythlan and I swear to you that I will make it up to you when I'm on the throne"

He looked to be thinking it over when he pulled Theessian into the fray. They both glanced at me over their shoulders while the my muttered

"I refuse to ask Myrna, young Prince. If you have the heart, I will allow you audience with the Queen"

Shit shit shit. They are gonna leave me to talk to the Queen about this. Pussies! The both of them

"I will speak to the Queen since it seems you've both lost your balls"

I knew I was in for it but I wasn't going to show how much I was worried. The gates were opened and we headed towards the castle. The three of us walked into the throne room but only I stood in front of the Queen who seemed to be glowering at me.

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