Chapter 18 (Noah)

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**Trigger warning in effect for Violence and crude language**

We are gonna start off with a few words from Eiyah to round out the last chapter. Thank you for reading guys. I appreciate you.


I had to chuckle at that. I had never been the type to order a salad in front of people. I am what you call unapologetically chubby.

"Goodness no. Noah and I had a picnic lunch which wasn't too bad, but then Roman and I had a picnic dinner that was full of savory tidbits like cheese and bacon then to top it off Noah had breakfast delivered this morning where yet again I ate rich foods. My body hates me and this is my attempt at waving the white flag."

Amalia chuckled at my openness but I didn't see any malice in it. Food was promptly brought out and served to us. I dug in right away while Amalia did the same. We ate in comfortable silence. Once we were done eating lunch the waiter brought us 2 brown paper bags.

Chancing a peek I notice 2 donuts in the bottom of the bag. Amalia took one of her's out, stuck in her mouth and moaned at the taste. I wanted that. I wanted to experience that.

When I say this donut was amazing please understand that is an understatement. When that donut touched my tongue I was pretty sure I had a mouthgasm.

"Delicious right?"

I nodded and yum'd after I'd swallowed.

"Amazing. Thank you for bringing me here."


Having been summoned by my father just hours ago I was making my way through the main house's doors. The pungent scent of man punched me in the face as I made my way deeper into the building. I hated this place. It's too loud and in your face. Best believe when I'm in charge all this orange and red will be replaced.

"Prince Noah"

I'm greeted by every one of our warriors as I walk by on the way to see King Mathias. The pompous windbag himself stepped out in front of me as I was about to knock on his office door.

"Nice that you could make it, son. Now, let's get this show on the road."

He left no time for me to go change my clothes or anything like that. I was left to be in a room full of unmated beasts smelling like my future wife's arousal. The first to take notice was none other than my father. He winked at me making me want to gag.

"Alright, let's call this meeting to order. I've been made privy that someone perhaps even amongst my ranks is planning a coup. Let it be known that each and every one of you will meet with me personally to test your loyalty. If it comes to light that this information is true the perpetrator will be taken care of swiftly. In the mean time I would like you to spar and sharpen your skills. I'm specifically calling out my sleepers. The lot of you look a bit soft in the middle. Dismissed."

Murmurs and whispers sounded around me. People were placing their bets on who they thought it could be. A few names that I recognized were called out but I'd laughed them off. Never would any of those men go against the king. They'd gladly put there lives on the line as they've done hundreds of times before.

"What about Brandt? He's been gone the longest. Maybe the distance has made him more mailable?"

I cast a glance across the room seeing Brandt standing against the wall with his eyes closed like he had no care in the world about all of this. He was trusted at the highest levels and he knew that.

"Divide and conquer?"

My father sounded next to me with a smile on his face. He took too much pleasure in making people uncomfortable. It disgusted me. I gave him a curt nod in acknowledgment

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