Chapter 16 Part 1 (Roman)

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I took my time formulating a game plan for tonight. After packing a backpack as well as a picnic basket of goodies I sent a text off to Vanessa.

Me: It's Roman, is the coast clear for the night?

Vanessa: It should be in about an hour. Brandt is going out of town so you guys will have free reign of the house for a few days.

Me: That's a lot more than I expected. Thank you for this.

Vanessa: Just do me a favor and make the next few days count.

I took that as a blessing to move forward with my plans. Operation woo my Boo is in full effect.

Me: I will. See you in an hour. Ttyl

Vanessa: Ttyl

Seeing as I had the next few days to take advantage of I opted to pack a weekend bag making sure I had something for most occasions as well as pajamas for a few days. Getting that all set I zipped up the bag and placed it near my door.

Hearing my father pace around downstairs I chanced a peek. He was muttering to himself. About what? I couldn't quite hear.

"Roman, you startled me"

I actually jumped a bit when he said my name. I thought I was quiet enough to avoid detection. Wrong.

"I'm sorry. I'm actually getting ready to head out for the night."

He shook his head

"Be careful out there. King Mathias called a meeting of his most trusted warriors. From what I understand they are being questioned and if they lack loyalty they will be killed. Something must've set him off"

Brandt was going out of town. Could that mean he's one of the trusted warriors? No, no way. He'd never hide that from his daughter. But then again...

"Thanks for the heads up. I'll be vigilant."

I walked back into my room going over everything one more time before carting it down to the car. With everything secured I shot off a text to Eiyah.

Me: I'm on my way Gorgeous

Eiyah: Good, I just got out of the shower and slipped into pjs. Come join me for snuggles.

Me: I'll be there in 10 minutes

Eiyah: Ok I'll be downstairs waiting for you. See you soon.

Me: See you soon my love

I put the phone down and made my way to her house parking out front for everyone to see. I wanted to send a message in case Noah decided to show up. She was sitting on the porch swing in her pajamas when I pulled up.

"Bold. I see what you're doing"

She chortled a bit. I rolled my eyes at her in mock annoyance.

"Get inside and take your butt upstairs. I have a surprise for you and I don't want it revealed early. I'll call you down in a bit"

She raised a brow in question but headed upstairs without much guff allowing me to bring in the picnic basket inside and get things set up. I watched as Vanessa flittered around gathering a few things before waving at me and slipping out the front door. Carrying the pack that she had I doubted she'd be back tonight.

"You can come down now"

I called up to Eiyah and when she came down I smiled as she started to grin at the spread I'd laid out for us. Then I handed her the flowers.

"What is all this for? Did I forget a special day or something?"

Slight panic could be heard in her voice. I shook my head.

"I just wanted to have a little date with you. Come here, I have a few of your favorites"

I started a movie then handed her a plate so she could choose what she'd wanted.

"I missed you so much today so I just want to make sure tonight is special."

She was smiling as she plucked the morsels from their containers. Bacon wrapped dates, goat cheese wrapped in prosciutto and even potato poppers. She loved savory and I did my best to deliver it the way she liked it.

Listening to her yum after each bite was strangely erotic. I'm not sure if it was the praise she was unknowingly giving to me or the guttural way the yum came out but all I knew was that those sounds made my cock twitch.

After she finished snacking on our savory bits I pulled out a few deviled strawberries. They were just split open strawberries with cheesecake piped on top of them. I wanted to feed them to her by hand so I beckoned her to me sitting her on my lap.

"Open up Gorgeous"

She did so with no problem. I slid the first strawberry into her mouth and watched as she chewed, swallowed then smiled. That mouth of hers has all my attention and boy I wanted suck that left over cheesecake from her bottom lip.

Oh fuck it. I went in to lick it off but some way or another it turned into a kiss. Not a fucking peck but an 'OH MY FUCKING GOD WHAT DID I DO TO DESERVE THIS TYPE OF KISS!' kiss. The way her tongue moved against mine should be considered sinful but here I am wanting more, Craving more and Hoping against all hope that this fucking kiss doesn't end. Cast me to hell because I want more of this.

The kiss broke and we were both panting. She on her knees between my legs and me sitting on the blanket I'd rolled out for us to eat on. Foreheads pressed together a giggle tore through her and her breath fanned my face and I didn't mind.

"Oh my goodness I should go brush my teeth after all that"

Before I could protest she was up and out of my lap racing up the stairs to her room. I took my time and looked at the pictures on the wall as I climbed the stairs. Eager as I was to have her back in my arms I also felt a strange pull to one photo in particular. She looked so young but her face was still the same save being smaller. Minnie Mouse buns, denim jacket

and a pair of polka dot converse while she glared at the camera. Looking closer her eyes weren't brown in that instance. They looked to be milky white.

"Hey, what are you looking at?"

She was at the top of the stairs smiling down at me. I looked at the photo one more time before climbing the last few steps and pulling her into her room and closing the door.

"You really rocked those buns in that picture and it seems you've always had a love for chucks"

She nodded

"I have 10 pair on rotation. Base colors then a few that were obscure finds that I just couldn't pass up"

We were on her bed, me leaning back into her pillows and her pulling out her laptop

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