Chapter 20 (Theesian)

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Everything was set and my driver was waiting outside to take me to Valhalla. Going on a search for someone who might be my mate seems so preposterous yet I'm doing just that willingly. I kissed my mother and bid goodbye to my father before I descended the steps and climbed into the waiting vehicle.

Ready or not I'm on my way to find her. That chocolate morsel that has already stolen my beasts heart. Gods, he calls out for her at the most inopportune moments. Like when I'm trying to sleep or in the middle of my last couple of lessons. He really has no chill in this situation.

"It's roughly a 3 hour drive, Prince Theesian. Should we plan on stopping midway or perhaps we will drive straight through."

To me it was a no-brainer but for this driver it was customary to ask instead of assume. Assuming could get him into a lot of trouble.

"Drive straight though please. I'd rather get this hunt started sooner rather than later."

No more talking as he turned to face the road. We pulled away from Canite territory and started the long drive toward what I hoped to be my future wife and Queen.

During the ride I managed to get some work done. Reading over proposals, planning out the new chambers I will be coming home to and making sure my mothers last proclamation was repealed then edited to what she wanted. She was fine staying allied but she wanted that monster Mathias to stay away from her and her home. For good reason. He's a piece of shit.

"We're here, Sir. Is there anywhere you'd like to stop before I take you to your lodgings?"

I looked around and spotted a tailor. If I am here for the ball I'd likely need something made for it so what harm could it do to get it taken care of ahead of time.

"Yes, let's stop at that tailors shoppe on the corner there. I'll just stop in for a quick chat and I'll be back out momentarily."

He parked and I exited the vehicle heading straight into the business. A bell announced my entry and the shoppe owner greeted me. She looked pleasant so I had no reason to think she wouldn't take my business.

"How can I help you, Sir? I'm Amalia, head seamstress and shoppe owner. I don't think I've seen you around here before."

Observant. Maybe she might know where to find my morsel? That would have to wait until she fit me though.

"I'm in town for the ball and I need something to wear. Can you make me something in the time allotted?"

She looked me over and took a few measurements

"So, do you have a color in mind? Any particular style?"

Straight to the point. I like it.

"Navy blue with silver accents will be nice. As far as style I'll just go along with whatever everyone else is doing. Beggars can't be choosers now can we?"

She chuckled and wrote down a few notes.

"This will be easy. It's still a rush job so you'll be charged as such. You're looking at $750 with everything included. I don't start work unless 50% is paid up front."

Before she finished with her schpeal I'd already whipped out my card and gave it to her.

"I'm ready to pay in full. Thank you for this Amalia. You're a life saver for sure."

She blushed and handed me my receipt.

"Hey, by chance, do you know an Eiyah?"

She stiffened then narrowed her eyes

"I don't think so. Why are you looking for her? Is she in some sort of trouble?"

Obviously she didn't know that I could hear the change in her heart rate. She was lying to me but why?

"No trouble, I just heard from an old friend that she's the life of the party. Sorry if I made it sound all ominous."

She relaxed and I could tell she not only knew Eiyah but she cared very much for her. It's nice that she has people that care like this for her.

"I only know one Eiyah and that's her dress over there."

She pointed at a dress on a mannequin that outshined everything else in her shoppe. It screamed royalty.

"That's really pretty. Do you mind subbing the teal for the navy? I just fell in love with it."

She made more notes before coming to stand next to me.

"If she wasn't going to be part of my family I wouldn't have worked so hard on it. Anyway, there's no additional cost for the fabric change and you need to come in next week for a fit check."

She gave me her card but I was stuck on what she'd said about Eiyah being part of her family. What did she mean by that? I didn't get a chance to ask as my phone started to ring. My mothers face signified who was calling.

Me: Hello

QM: Did you make it safely?

Me: I did. Thank you for checking on me.

I turned around to see Amalia flipping her open sign to closed and took it as a sign that my questions would have to wait another day. Drat.

QM: Alright then, make sure you take care of yourself out there, Theesian.

Me: I will. I'm sorry Mom but I need to speak to someone. Do you mind if I call you back?

QM: Just call before you head to sleep. I can't wait to meet this mate of yours. Till later, son.

Me: Till later, mom.

I hung up and Amalia was standing right in front of me. She looked like she was ready to split and I was keeping her here to which I was but such is life.

"I can't tell you where to find her but she'll be here in 4 days for her last fitting. Roman will be here with her so I don't see why you can't see her then. She should be here around noon."

My beast was more than elated at this news. But who the hell is Roman? Maybe a brother or something? At this point I really don't care. In 4 days time I'll be meeting Eiyah whether she's ready or not.

A/N: Oh shit! Did Amalia just serve up our girl to Theesian? What are your thoughts guys? Who do you wanna hear from next? Drop me some love in the comments and click the star to favorite my story. Thanks guys.

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