Chapter 22 (Noah)

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**Trigger warning. Mentions of sexual activity and some vulgar language**

The last 2 days have been a total shit show. When I wasn't busy training with the guys I was busy keeping Brandt away from my father. Even though I'd already questioned and cleared the man my father was still trying to get at him. It makes me feel like he was name dropped by whoever fed my father the information that led to this whole weekend long meeting/training thing. Fuck!

"You're all dismissed. Make your way home by which you came. Your next assignments will be delivered to you in one week's time."

I wasn't expecting to be released early. I'd planned on leaving bright and early in the morning but I will take this so I can go home to my Eiyah. She'd never expect me to just show up. I grabbed Brandt and together we made our way to my truck.

"Your father knows something is up. I have a feeling he'll be on my ass soon as he can be."

I knew for a fact he would be but I had hope that whatever training Brandt had came in handy when the time came. If he can keep his breathing normal and his heart rate from spiking he should be Golden.

"Just relax, if you focus on it you're just gonna think yourself into oblivion. Get comfy because we have a drive ahead of us."

The drive was long and uneventful. Brandt slept most of the way while I kept myself awake thinking of what I was gonna do to my minxy little mate when I saw her. I picked up my phone and dictated a message to her.

Me: I miss you. I'll be home soon and I can't wait to see you.

I wasn't expecting an immediate response but getting one made me smile. I loved feeling like she focused on me.

Eiyah: I miss you too. Excited for this weekend?

If only she knew that I'd be at her doorstep in little more than 2 hours.

Me: Gods yes, I'm looking forward to uninterrupted Eiyah time.

Eiyah: I have a few things planned. I'm about to eat dinner so... ttyl?

I wondered what she had planned. Maybe more of what we'd done in my truck? I wouldn't turn that down and I knew that my beast would certainly be happy about the intimacy. He's been crying out for her nonstop. She cooked? Maybe she'll have some saved for me. I didn't care what it was.

Noah: Wait, what did you make?

Me: Baked Ziti

And that just happens to be one of my favorite dishes. Bonus points for Eiyah. It's not like she needed them though.

Me: Save me some? I'll make sure to pick it up when I'm back in town.

Eiyah: Yeah, I can do that. Ttyl Noah.

Me: Ttyl Eiyah baby.

I sat my phone down and pressed down on the accelerator willing my truck to go faster. Move faster. I just wanted to be under her.

"Brandt, hey Brandt. Wake up. I want to talk to you about something."

He sat up and looked at me all bleary eyed. We were making our way into Valhalla at this point. About 15 minutes from Brandt's house.

"I'd like to stay at your house tonight."

He blinked and sat up straighter. He opened his mouth several times but no words came out for several moments.

"Are you asking me or telling me this Prince Noah?"

I could just tell him what I planned on doing but this man was going to be my father in law. Sure, I had to be a hard ass in public but we are in a private space right now. I can be me. The Noah that Eiyah is falling in love with.

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