Chapter 5 (Roman)

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**Mild trigger warning for the following chapter. vulgar speech and unintentional injury **

It's hard to believe I'm laying in bed holding Eiyah but I am. I thought for sure she would pelt me for asking her to sneak me into her room. Me. All 6'5 315lb of me but she did it and here we are wrapped up like a couple and I like it. I played with her hair while we watched a movie but hearing her soft kitten like snores made me want to melt.

Just thinking about that tool and his father makes me see red. Ridiculous are they that threaten a family for such childish reasons. Destroying their kitchen because Eiyah didn't want to deal with the dick bag and his shitty personality? I would've done the same thing.

I was left wondering if Noah was the man Eiyah was falsely matched up with. There really was no way for me to know until the night of the ball. Being forcefully matched would render the coupling void. No children, no happy and fulfilling life would be had for her and I just can't stand by and let that happen. I need to figure out how to rectify this situation but how?

"Roman, lay down with me"

She beckoned me and patted the pillow next to her. Who was I to deny my little sugar plum? For her I would lay down anywhere at anytime if it meant I'd be laying next to her. What are you doing to me Eiyah? Why can't I break this bewitching spell you've cast upon me? Easy, I don't want to.

Laying down and bringing her into my arms I'm able to find my solace, my happy place. Who are you Eiyah and where have you been all my life? I drifted away to the start of my all too familiar dream. The Goddess appeared to me showing me 2 paths. Before she could disappear this time I asked a question

"What is this for?"

She smiled holding her hand to her heart

"For her"

She was gone in a flash and I stand there mulling over my decision. The moment I felt confident enough to take my chose path a brick wall was dropped in front of it. As if the trail wasn't going to be challenging enough I now needed to figure out how to knock down this freaking wall.

"Roman wake up. Ro, it's time to get up"

I could hear her trying to wake me but I just wanted to relish in my time with her. Alas I needed to rise so we could start our day.

"Morning, how'd you sleep?"

She snuggled against me for a second and I got a whiff of her mango kiwi body wash.

"I slept pretty freaking good thanks to you. You chased my nightmares away"

I couldn't help the smile that spread across my face but a short knock at the door had us both holding out breaths

"Coast is clear. Time for your company to go home, Hun"

Eiyah looked at me and smiled

"That's my mom. Looks like the time has come for you to head home. I'll see you in a few hours right?"

I nodded barely holding it together. I wanted to stay and bask in her. I wanted her to spend the day openly with me instead of this Noah guy but I would indeed see her in a few hours

"Don't forget to drop that pin for me."

I stepped out of the bed and started to get dressed. Noticing she was watching me I slowed it down a bit and gave her a show before kissing the tip of her cute nose

"Roman" she rasped "Come back to bed tonight?"

I nodded knowing full well that this was a bad idea but I wanted her to myself.

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