Chapter 19 (Roman)

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Our little staycation was coming to an end. I'd been able to spend 2 days with Eiyah and to say it was amazing would be an understatement.

Hearing from Amelia the way she felt both pained my heart and made me smile. She wanted to run away with me and have babies. I wanted that, I wanted that so bad with her. To plant my seed and watch it blossom and grow within her.

I'm ripped from my thoughts when I hear her whimper in her sleep. It happens from time to time but this time a simple forehead kiss didn't do the trick. Her body was sweating and trembling next to me. Touching her I can see that she's burning up. What the hell is happening? Try as I might I couldn't wake her but when I'd started to call for a medic she opened her eyes. If you didn't know something was wrong prior you'd never guess as she was smiling big at me.

"You ok? You were whimpering in your sleep again. Did you have a nightmare?"

She closed her eyes and nodded her head.

"It's not worse than the rest of them though. I'd rather not talk about yet it if that's ok with you. It'll just put a dampener on the mood and I'm not wanting that."

I shifted and pulled her up into my arms nuzzling into her neck before peppering her face with kisses. If she wasn't ready to talk about it I wouldn't be pushing her.

"That's fine, Love. We should probably get up and start our day."

She gave me a small smile before pecking my lips. This woman, right here in my arms is my everything. I slid her from my lap and took a look around the room we were in. Signs of our activity could be spotted if you looked hard enough. Oh how I wanted Noah to walk in and see all the panties I've torn off of my Eiyah. He'd probably blow a gasket. Actually, no probably about it. He would blow one.

We took our shower and set about cleaning up the house. By the time 1pm rolled around we were finished and famished.

"6 pairs."

I looked down at my tiny Goddess and lifted a brow in question.

"You owe me 6 pairs of panties, Roman. I can't believe you tore them off of me like that, you beast."

She playfully swatted my arm and I feigned hurt garnering her sympathy before pulling her in close and tickling the living daylights out of her.

"I already ordered 10 pairs of the tanga ones I like so much"

I waggled my brows at her playfully earning another swat

"Those give me wedgies, Roman. I wanted the boy shorts or the briefs."

I knew that. I'd actually bought a variety of cuts for her but I love to ruffle her feathers

"I know, Love. Don't worry, I ordered what you put in the cart. I double checked the sizing beforehand. I know you and I would never purposely buy you something that leaves you feeling uncomfortable."

Her eyes soften and she kissed my cheek. I live for these moments. Much to my pleasure Eiyah and Noah spoke very little during my visit. Something about him being busier than he thought but I took it as a blessing. With him out of the picture Eiyah and I were able to reach new heights in our relationship.

"Hey, my mom just texted me and told me she'll be home around midnight."

Well that just put a dampener on things. I was planning on making my move tonight but with Vanessa coming back on such short notice I'd need to figure out how to use my time allotted to me. I wanted to make love to her all night long. Taking her to places only I could to show her just how good she could have it with me if she'd just take the chance and drop Noah. I know she's afraid of the outcome but I will be there for her every step of the way.

"I have a few errands to run but I'll be back in no time. Do you need anything while I go out?"

She quirked a brow

"Can't I just come with you?"

I wanted to do this on my own but I really don't want to hurt her feelings by leaving here. Here's hoping she understands.

"I need to gather stuff for tonight. I want to make it special so not this time, Love."

She smiled and nodded in response. I love how understanding she is. I don't even know why I was afraid she would be upset with me about this. She never has been. I guess my nerves are just getting to me.

I watched as she pulled a book down from the shelf and settled into her papasan chair. It didn't take much for her to get lost in a story so after I got her water and a snack I kissed her temple and took my leave.

Hopping in the car I looked down at the time realizing I didn't have a lot of time to dawdle.

I stopped by the adult store first, grabbing lube and condoms for just in case she chose to use them. I'm fully fine without them but this is her body and it's her choice at the end of the day. Grocery store next where I grabbed more of Amalia's so called 'sexy fruits' and some whipped cream because I plan on pulling out all the stops tonight. The last few stops just tied everything together. I picked up the lingerie I'd ordered for her, bought her a bath bomb and even got myself manscaped for good measure. Last stop before heading back to Eiyah was the flower shoppe. I picked up rose petals to spread on the bed while she took her bath. Tonight is going to be amazing. I'm gonna make you see stars Eiyah.

A/N: So... how do you think the night will end up? Will Roman get to fulfill that little promise of his? Let me know in the comments. Thank you for sticking with me in this process peeps. Love ya.

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