Chapter 7 (Noah)

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**Mild trigger warning for the following chapter. vulgar speech and unintentional injury **

The ride up here was tense but after a deal was struck the atmosphere changed a bit. She accepted me. Sure, she wants to be with whoever that Roman guy is before the ball but she will marry me and I will keep the promise I made to my mother.

We got to the lodge and we were talking about our expectations when a couple walked in gaining Eiyah's attention. I raised my brow trying to figure out who they were when I caught a whiff of arousal from not only Eiyah but also the male that had walked in. My beast was on edge and seeing Eiyah reach out to him I saw red. I pulled her back to me not thinking about my strength. I didn't notice it at first but when that female approached us pulling Eiyah from me I saw her tears.

"I didn't mean to hurt you. I, I just... I don't know"

The female was pulling her away from me and I was starting to panic. An emotion filled me and it scared the living day lights out of me. Opening myself up to her opened me up to the bond my beast had made with her. Fear flooded my system and I apologized profusely.

"Don't take her away from me. I can take care of her wrist"

I honestly had no idea how to fix her wrist but having her taken away from me bothered me to no end

"I don't know what to do" I whimpered "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry"

She stood there trembling in front of me. I couldn't help her. I'd hurt her now she's scared of me.

"Please give her to me Noah. I have a first aid kit in my car"

I huffed in annoyance then looked into Eiyah's eyes. I caressed her face then bent down to whisper

"Remember our deal. I didn't mean to do that I swear on my mother's grave"

she looked up into my eyes

"You hurt me. You said you wouldn't so how can I trust you?"

That broke my heart. I, I hurt her when I told her I never would and now she doesn't trust me. I have to fix this. I put her hand in the males

"You have 10 minutes to bring her back to me" Did he seriously scoff at me? "I'm serious. Bring her back to me or I'll make your little mate here scream bloody murder"

Watching him carry her away irked me. Who the hell is this guy and why is she so comfortable with him? Could this be the Roman fella?

The female he came with showed no animosity towards him carrying my Queen away. They aren't mates. What are they to one another? I was drawn out of my thoughts when she was walking back towards me. I wrapped my arms around her conveying my remorse then kissed her wrist.

"Did he patch you up well love?"

She looked irritated

"He did, now let's get away from these people before someone reports back to your dad about the goings on"

Now I knew for sure she was irritated. She looked back at the couple waving them over.

"Who are they and why are they joining us? I wanted this time alone"

What she said next made me know just what I was dealing with

"That's my Roman and his cousin Amalia."

My Roman? My heckles were raised My fucking Roman. No, not happening

"Remember the deal Noah"

Her tone was taunting and caught me off guard. I looked down at her then took her face in my hands

"I want to amend the deal"

She shook her head making me growl.

"No Noah, the deal was struck. You told me I could have this"

I felt stupid. I didn't want this. I wanted her to be just mine

"Eiyah, this hurts"

She stopped and looked up at me


They were upon us and I had to steel my resolve. I wanted to rip his head off. He had a head start and I feel like he's going to be a pain in my ass

"Eiyah, did you tell Roman that we are getting married next month?"

She turned to me practically steaming but I didn't care. Roman shook his head in disbelief

"Noah, what the fuck?"

She glared at me but all I could see was her eyes challenging me and I liked it. She's worthy. My beast deemed this tiny goddess worthy

"It's the truth" I shrugged "She's off the market bro. So... maybe fuck off?"

She smacked my arm and pulled my ear down to her mouth. Her short stature made it hard for her to reach me properly. No way in hell would I let anyone else do that to me.

"Stop Noah" she whimpered "You gave me your word"

My resolve crumbled hearing her whimper. I just wanted to make her happy at that moment and the Roman guy was key to that. I looked up into his eyes and shot him a glare

"I know. I know. I didn't know how it would feel though. Help me?"

I gave her my best puppy dog eyes and hers softened in response

"You're not playing fair Noah. Don't look at me like that"

she was giggling but Roman was pouting. I didn't give any fucks about him though. I marked her with my scent before standing upright. After I mark her properly she will have no want for anyone but me. I was gonna do it on our wedding night but I might have to do it sooner.

A/N: So now that you've met Noah tell me how you like him? Do you think he will continue to be an edge lord supreme?

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