《> Taehyung <》

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Have you ever looked at the sea and wondered why humans have discovered not even ten percent of the ocean?

It's massive, mighty, and beautiful.

Hoseok stares at it with a smile. His hair is dripping wet, their mossy green highlights slowly pulling away into his human brown hair.

It reaches his neck, tied up into an incredibly messy bun.

His green eyes fade back to their deep chocolate orbs, his toes wiggling in the water.

He has always had this strange longing to be in the water.

It's strange, but that's why he lives on his own on the far away beach. He doesn't like to be with people. He doesn't particularly dislike them, most of them are just... pissing him off.

He slides a hand through his brown hair, sighing deeply as he leans on his knees.

"I know something is out there..."

He smiles to himself.

"Whether you understand us or not... I know there is something in there. Something smart. So don't be afraid to come out. I won't hurt you..."

With that he gets up, getting ready for the night to sleep.

And at night, those alive at sea, truly live.


"Father, you know our lives cannot be strained."

"You are a danger to our kingdom!"

"I am not!"

"Your magic is too strong and too rabid to be allowed!"

The prince bares his four sharp fangs, gills spreading as he tries to pull at the heavy thorned coral bars.

"My magic is not yours." He growls. "My magic is from my mother! Whom you have banished! If you simply cannot accept the way I look like my mother, than you never should have married a shaya!"

"You do not speak to me with that tone, young gem!"

"You still call me a gem after all you have said to me?" He scoffs. "I gave you chances to change. I tried to change myself for you! So I could be the perfect heir! Brother left, and sister is far too young!"

"Taehyung Enakai! I warn you!"


The water stirs at the burst of the prince's deep voice, his angry eyes glaring daggers at his father.

"You trap me... Your own son. Your own son! Our people see you as our great saviour and protector of the merkingdom! And yet you are afraid of me?! Why?! I would never harm you, father!"

"They all say that." The king tells him, turning and taking his leave.

It's no use talking to a merman with the brain of a shark.

Although in some aspect, his son is right. He is afraid. He has hurt guards only with the use of his magic, unknowing why it would work underwater. The king is afraid.

For himself, but also his two other children.

His youngest daughter, magicless, but a perfectly fine and well-behaved mermaid.

The oldest son, who left the throne to study medicine, usually distancing from the family.

And the middle son... Taehyung. Locked up behind bars because his magic could not keep itself in his own hands.

Mythical Short Stories - 방탄손연단 PART 3Where stories live. Discover now