{> Yoongi <}

776 15 21

{=|Bad Blood|-|YoonJin|=}


There has been a rivalry between humans and the unknown for a while. Especially in the old western village of Geochang.

Everything seemed to be loose going around that side of the small village. But that never changed the strict rule of having a full inspection when you came in.

That full inspection usually existed of taking out all your stuff, checking for fangs, poison, ears or a tail, strange accessories, and much more.

The one in charge of that was simply a town's man who was up for the job. It helped him get money and was easy to do.

Yes, sometimes he got one intruder who tried to fight its way in, but Seokjin knew how to stop them.

He's seen many creatures by now. An elf who was trying to sell medicine, a vampire who claimed to be a scientist, even a pixie who tried to sneak inside by tying its wings to prevent them from twinkling.

The poor thing isn't able to fly ever since.

Now you may ask yourself, why would they go through such trouble for such a small place?

Because it's far from society on its own, no one will be able to really help when they scream.

Seokjin knows. They all have the same reason. To expand their race.

Another day and another time to be the bouncer.

Seokjin stood at one side of the entrance, the Northside, and Namjoon stood on the Southern entrance to town.

Both of them were pretty muscular and tall, so they both would come over much more intimidating than most of the others in town.

With crossed arms, Seokjin does his job thoroughly. That is, until he sees something coming through the desert.

It's big and panting, running on all fours.

Seokjin squints his eyes when it comes closer, seeing it's a wolf. A greyish-black mixed wolf.

It stops right in front of him and it growls.

Seokjin just stares at it.

With a chuckle, the large wolf twists into a human body, hands on his hips. Two black wolf ears sprout proudly from his black fluffy hair, grey highlights at the tips. His eyes are a pretty amber, glowing like a gemstone.

Behind him sways a big bushy wolf tail, clearly his, as it's matching his ears and hair.

His skin is milky pale, lips a glossy pink as his black lashes blink innocently, creating an eye-shadow-like illusion above his eyes.

"Get out." Seokjin snarls, avoiding eye contact with the creature.

"What fun would it have if I tried to hide what I am? You'd find out anyway, so let me just explain why I'm here." The wolf says, his smirk disappearing into a serious frown.

Seokjin raises an eyebrow. "You do realize that your kind is not allowed inside?"

The wolf nods and crosses his arms, mimicking Seokjin's posture. "Yes. But I don't mean any harm. I'm actually on my way to my hunting spot and the fastest way to it is through your village. I don't want to go around all the way because then I'd just waste my time."

Seokjin frowns. "Is it the truth?"

The wolf sighs deeply and rolls his eyes. "Yes. It is. Why else would I go through here and show myself to you right in front of you? Just be honest, your town is way too nervous about us."

Mythical Short Stories - 방탄손연단 PART 3Where stories live. Discover now