[> Yoongi <]

556 14 23

[=|My Disease|=|Sope|=]


"Hyung, will you come back?"

"Of course I will. All I need is to go out for food."

He swore he was careful enough. He was sure that he was safe. Reaching for the one thing they both needed had gotten his end.

How could he have been so stupid?

Of course you run when you see half of a zombie's body twitch on the ground with only an arm stab wound.

Reaching for their package of instant noodles, Yoongi was screaming in pain when the entire thing was knocked over, every item falling down as the twitching and shrieking deadman lunges towards him with a broken leg.

It cracks violently at every step, both his hands reaching for the human who was crying, having almost been crushed by the domino of displaying shelves, scratched his knee fully open and was in too much pain to stand on it.

There were two options as the being lunged at him.

Accept to be bitten and maybe eaten.

Or run with a harmed knee and risk a horde coming for him with exposed blood.

There was no way he'd make it back to Hoseok alive.

And that pained him.

So, closing his eyes, Yoongi waited for the pain of the bite. Screaming when teeth sunk into his ankle, cracking the bone.

Collapsing onto the floor, Yoongi screams and cries out in pain as the zombie tears the skin off his bone with flesh, creating the burning sensation of the dead skin that was slowly intertwining around the bone to keep it weakly steady.

It was a thing that zombies had.

Crying out in pain, the zombie lays down besides him, taking a few deep breaths before patting Yoongi on his shoulder.

"Don't worry." The zombie grunts in a broken voice of Korean. "You'll be able to feast soon enough. We have a whole stack of humans laying around."

Yoongi's sobbing stops, almost immediately turning to look at the zombie. "Than why did you come for me?!"

"I was starving!"

"I don't care." Yoongi growls. "I have a buddy back at home who I promised I'd return!"

The zombie's dead red eyes grow wide. "... Buddy...?" He licks his lips. "... Food..."

Yoongi immediately grabs the hair on the zombie's scalp, pulling it back so hard that the zombie's back snaps.

"You touch him with one dirty finger of yours, and I will fucking eat you." He growls threateningly, pushing the zombie back to have his spine snap back in place.

The zombie smiles at him.

Dead veins are beginning to blossom in Yoongi's skin, going up his neck, his cheeks, reaching his ears. His skin is a dirty, sickening grey, mixed with the green mash of veins and pressuring of blood.

Yoongi groans, his skin pulsing around his muscle and bone, his heart clenching, gasping for air.

The zombie pats his back, allowing the growling shriek in Yoongi's throat to release, the around being accompanied by the sound of nails on chalkboard screams.

His eyes, dark and brown, have turned light and white. A bit on the dead side. The very, very light blue in his iris can tell them apart, yet when his body stops shaking, there is darkening aqua over the color, his iris filling up with red. 

Mythical Short Stories - 방탄손연단 PART 3Where stories live. Discover now