{JSHK} Yugi Amane x Reader (smut) (requested)

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*This was requested by @No_Anime_No_Life64

It was a lovely Tuesday afternoon. Well, as lovely a Tuesday afternoon could be when Yashiro and Kou leave you alone to clean the bathroom with your mutual ghost friend. It wasn't all bad though. Both you and Hanako seemed to have a serious liking to each other, but neither of you would admit it. He would always flirt with you, leaving you flustered which would cause him to internally simp over how cute you looked.

"Ughhhhh, is this good enough Hanako?" You whine, being completely fed up with having to do all this cleaning practically by yourself.

"Nope! You have to clean it right. Want me to show you?" He asked in a sultry tone.

Not knowing how to react to the sudden change in atmosphere, you didn't responded him. You simply stared at him in a confused and unamused way (lowkey this is a mood).

"Here," he floated his way across the room and ended up situating himself behind you. He wrapped his cold arms around you and grabbed onto the mop (now get a bucket and a mop ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)) and began to move the cleaning utensil across the floor. "See, you have to do it this way  to make it easier and to clean the floor better."

He continued to do this and at some point even rested his head on your right shoulder as he did. Your cheeks were an angry (oh yes. So angry) red color from the beginning, but now you practically looked like a tomato.

"There! That part's done now!" Hanako said before letting go of you and coming face to face with you. "Hey, you're pretty red you know. Are you sick? Or did you enjoy your cleaning lesson?"

"...huh, I-"

Hanako brought his ice cold hand to your forehead, checking to see if you had a fever or not. "Hmmm... You don't have a fever, so I guess that means you really do enjoy this. Well, I'd be lying if I said I didn't enjoy it too..."

This time, it was Hanako's turn to turn a bright red. He shifted nervously awaited your reaction  as you took the time to process what he just said.

"I did," You whispered in a soft and quiet voice that he could just barely hear.

"So, does that mean that you'd like another cleaning lesson?" He asked blushing red and looking hopeful.

You nodded your head to him, and he swept you up in his chilly embrace. The two of you gazed into one another's eyes right before he brought his mouth to yours and kissed you. At first, you were caught of guard, but you quickly began to kiss him back. With that, a make out session began with the two of you going much further following it. Needless to say, you two did end up actually having to clean again once you were done with your "fun".

*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'(*゚▽゚*)'・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*

Up Next...
-{HxH} Portor Feitan x Reader (fluff)
-{BLC} Kurosaki Ichigo x Reader (lemon) (requested)

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