{FR!} Nanase Haruka x Reader (fluff)

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It was a bright and sunny day outside. You could feel your skin absorbing the heat, causing you to perspire. You sighed as you continued your walk to your boyfriend's house, carrying a bento you made for him with mackerel, rice, and plenty of vegetables. You knew just how much he loved mackerel, since it seemed to be the only thing he ever ate, so you figured he would enjoy the surprise bento you were bringing him.

Once you reached his house, you knocked on the door and hoped that he would let you get out of the blistering heat. Within a couple seconds, the door opened to reveal a surprised, yet happy, Haruka in his swimsuit. "What are you doing here, _____?" He asked.

"Well, I was cooking lunch and I thought I'd make a bento for you and maybe hang out with you for a little while," you responded to him as your eyes slowly wandered away from his beautiful ocean, blue ones and studied his figure in the swimsuit. You often see Haru in his swimsuit, because he almost always has it on, but the sight still takes your breath away every time.

He gave you a small smile and stepped to the side so you could enter his house, "Thank you, _____."

"Yep!" You beamed at him before walking through the threshold of his house. He shut the door behind you, causing you to turning around and ask, "You still have my swimsuit that I left here, right?"

"Yeah...?" He responded, slightly confused by your question.

"Ok," you began while handing him the bento, "you eat this while I go change. Then, we can sit and cuddle in the bathtub together (Rebecca, it's  not what you think! I won't hesitate, bitch! Ahem, back to the story)." You quickly walked to his bedroom as he watched in silence (I hate to see you leave, but I love watching you go. I'm sorry I'll stop now.).

Once you got there, you squatted down beside his bed in order to retrieve the bag, underneath his bed, that held your swimsuit inside. Once you grabbed ahold of it and pulled it out, you stood up and dumped its contents onto the bed. Then, you went to shut and lock the door, so you could change into it.

You walked back over to the bed and pulled off your normal clothes before putting the _____ swimsuit on in their place. After you finished changing, you unlocked the door and went to the kitchen where you found your boyfriend finishing the bento you made him.

"Did you like it?" You asked him, alerting him of your presence.

"Yeah, it was really good," he responded before finishing the last bite. He then stood up and gave you a short, sweet peck on the lips. "Thank you, ______."

You blushed at his action, "It was nothing really. How about we go get into the water now?" You regained your confidence and smiled up at him.

"That sounds like a good idea," he said as he grabbed onto your right hand and led you to the bathroom. To no surprise, the tub was already full of water. Still holding your hand, he stepped in and sat down in the water which caused you to quickly follow suit and sit on his lap.

A comfortable silence enveloped the two of you as you sat in the lukewarm water cuddling one another. His arms wrapped around your waist, causing your back to press into his toned chest. You leaned your head back so it rested on his shoulder. Despite the fact that many other girls would rather be spending time doing other things with their boyfriends, there was nothing else that you would rather be doing at that moment.

*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'(*゚▽゚*)'・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*

Up next...
- {JSHK} Alive! Yugi Amane x Reader (fluff)
- {SE} Death The Kid x Reader (fluff)
- {HQ!} Miya Osamu x Reader (angst)

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