{HxH} Older! Zoldyck Killua x Hunter! Reader (fluff)

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Being a hunter definitely is not easy, but work isn't necessary that bad for hunters like me. I often work to protect people because I could not protect the people I loved the most when I was younger. Jobs like these help me feel somewhat less pained by it, since they allow me to do exactly what I couldn't then.

Currently, I'm working as a bodyguard for an extremely wealthy old woman. So far, I don't know why she is often sought after to be attacked, but I can assume it has something to do with her money and how she acquired it. I mean, that would be pretty logical since she pretty much lives in a sha(q)ck and only has two rooms, so the other bodyguard and I have to share while she gets a room to herself (( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)), but I can't deny that the pay is pretty good and the other bodyguard is extremely attractive.

He has fluffy white hair, blueish-purple eyes, and a voice of honey; all of which make me feel jolts of electricity hit my heart. It's no lie that I have a thing for him, but I don't know that he really feels the same. Sometimes, he can actually be pretty cold towards me, but that's just kind of how he is in general.

I break away from my thoughts about Killua once I realize that he has crawled into our shared bed with me. I lay there, facing away from him awkwardly as he stays silent; normally, he at least says goodnight to me.

Before I can even begin to question the silence he rolls over and pulls my back into his chest while wrapping his arms around me.

"Killua, w-"

"Are you dumb, ____? I can tell you have a crush on me, and I'd be lying if I were to say I didn't return those feelings. I guess I don't really know how to express them though, but I really tired and I need cuddles," he yawned.

"So what does this make us?" I asked.

"A couple," he responded before completely spooning me.

"Killu-" I began to ask him another question, but realized that light snores were erupting from him. He really wasn't joking about being tired.

I decided I should probably go to sleep too, so I laced my fingers through his before whispering, "I love you, sleepyhead," and slowly let sleep take over me while I dreamed of the man laying next to me.

*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'(*゚▽゚*)'・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*

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