{OP} Roronoa Zoro x Reader (smut) (requested)

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*This was requested by @animesupernova

It was a pretty average day on the Going Merry. Luffy was sitting on the mast of the ship watching it travel over the water, Sanji was cooking lunch in the kitchen, Nami was reading a newspaper, and Usopp was attempting to make some new types of ammunition for his slingshot. As everyone else went about their normal activities, you were currently unable to do yours because of your sleepy boyfriend.

Earlier, Zoro told you that he wanted to cuddle with you on the deck and watch the waves roll past the ship, but he ended up falling asleep while he spooned you. Unfortunately for you, being the little spoon meant that you could not escape his incredibly strong arms that pressed you into him.

After a short amount of time that you used to struggle against his grip, you decided you were too lazy to try to get up and just listened to his shallow breaths. You found his breathing to be relaxing, yet exciting as well. Here, this man was so in love with you to hold onto you as he slept, while his deep, drawn out breaths he made as he slept were also so intoxicatingly relaxing.

You turned around in his arms to face him, accidentally brushing your thigh up against his crotch. He let out a slight grunt, but continued to sleep, causing your sadistic side to come out.

You loved to sexually tease Zoro. It always turned you on more than usual when you watched him become frustrated with your teasing, and his frustration most certainly did you favors when he would be extra rough with you afterwards.

You began to continuously rub your thigh against him, causing him to wake up. You continued on with your treatment, forcing a deep, guttural moan of your name from his throat, "______, ohhhh."

You continued this treatment earning low groans from your sleepy boyfriend, until you decided that halting your actions would irritate and frustrate him immensely. The completely dumbfounded look on his face that was caused by his loss of pleasure created a smirk on your face that made him even more frustrated. "I was bored, so I decided to wake you up~" you said as innocently yet sexily as you could.

Before you could even bat an eye, he picked you up and threw you over his shoulder, almost like a sack of potatoes. "Daddy," he began as he walked towards the dorms, "is going to need to punish you for being so naughty. Especially out in the open."

*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'(*゚▽゚*)'・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*

I think I'm going to attempt an actual lemon, but I'm mega scared.

Up Next...
-{BE} Okumura Rin x Self Harming! Reader (fluff)
-{HQ!} Semi Eita x Reader (smut/lemon?)

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