{OP} Monkey D. Luffy x Reader (fluff)

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You were sitting on the deck of the Thousand Sunny watching the stars (AMAAANE Ok I'm done). Even though you wanted to focus on the beautiful patterns they made up and the way they shined just enough light to be seen, you couldn't take your mind off of your captain.

No matter how much you would try to deny it when Nami and Robin teased you about it, you had a huge crush on the straw hat wearing pirate. He was just so adorable that your heart squeezes every time you see him.

You tried to focus back on the stars, but thoughts of Luffy did not allow you to do so and ended up completely taking over your mind. You thought about how warm his body would feel against yours when you hug him, how safe he'd make you feel if you were to cuddle him, and how soft his lips might feel against yours. These thoughts continued to run through your head, causing you to be completely unaware of the new presence on the deck.

"Why do I have to feel this way?" You sighed out while pulling your knees into your chest. You folded your arms on top of them and rested your head on your wrists.

"Why do you have to feel like what?" A voice from your right side sounded, nearly causing you to jump into the air.

You quickly turned your head to see the one and only Luffy who was looking at you curiously. You began to feel nervous; he was staring at you and all you could think about was him, HOW COULD YOU NOT? Even though you felt like running like Ussopp, you decided like it would be a good time for you to just tell him how you felt, since the two of you were alone.

You averted your eyes from him and looked down at the deck of the ship, "Listen, Luffy, this is going to be hard for me to say but I need to. Ever since you asked me to join your crew, I've had feelings for you. Not only because you saved my life from Captain Buggy, but also because you're just perfect in every way to me. Luffy, really, really like you and-"

Luffy cut you off by pulling you into his arms, you head resting on his chest where you could hear his heart beating, "_____, you're the only girl that has ever been able to make me feel like my heart is going to explode when I look at them. I never knew this feeling until I met you and until now, I didn't know how to feel about that."

"So how do you feel about it now?" You asked.

"I'm going to be King of the Pirates," he began a little louder than you expected, "so you're going to be my queen."

You blushed and nuzzled your face deeper into his chest. The two of you loved each other with all of the fibers of your beings, and nothing would ever change that.

*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'(*゚▽゚*)'・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*

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-{AC} Older! Akabane Karma x Reader (lemon)

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