{TG} Kuro! Kaneki Ken x Reader (fluff)

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Working at Anteiku had its ups and downs. On a positive note, it was a fairly stable job that gave you a place to stay, but there were some customers that were creeps.

At least once a week, there would be some creepy guy that would hit on you. It annoyed you a lot, but you were usually able to keep your cool over it, until today.

You were minding your business and doing your job when the older man who you had just asked what his order was responded, "Are you on the menu? Because I'd love to have you."

He gave you a creepy grin (I literally hate when older men do this like fuck off or I'll stab you) before you responded by saying, "No, but the menu is in your hands and it will tell you exactly what you can order." You tried your best to use a sweet voice in order to still be polite to the customer even though you were disgusted.

"I guess I'll have a tea, then, but make sure it's as hot as you sweetheart," he gave you his signature disgusting, pervy smile before you simply nodded your head and began to walk off.


When you started to walk away, he slapped your ass like you were his property. Once you felt it, you began to run to the kitchen as fast as you could; you were willing to do anything to get away from that pervert. You didn't even realize you were crying until Touka, Ken, and Yoshimura-san surrounded you asking what was going on.

"I-I w-was tak-king a customers or-order when h-he harassed m-me," you said through your tears of anger, frustration, and disgust.

Touka and Yoshimura quickly left the kitchen to deal with the man, leaving you alone with Kaneki.

"It'll be alright, ______. They aren't going to let him bother you anymore," he said rubbing your back soothingly as you sobbed.

You grabbed ahold of him and cried into his chest, "I feel so gross. He touched my ass,"

"It'll be ok," he whispered as he awkwardly wrapped his arms around you and rubbed your back to calm you down.

"Thank you so much, Ken," you sniffled.

"For what?" He asked clearly confused.

"You're always here for me at times like this when I really need you," you said before giving him a peck on the lips.

"I-it's no-o problem. R-really!" He stuttered.

And that's how the two of you began to date.

*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'(*゚▽゚*)'・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*

Sorry it's been taking some time. My nervous system just loves to not function correctly and make me feel like death.

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-{SE} Evans Soul x Reader (lemon) (requested)
-{DN} L x Reader (fluff)

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