{JSHK} Alive! Yugi Amane x Reader (fluff)

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You curiously looked at your boyfriend who sat a few seats ahead of you in class. He seemed to have more bruises and bandages covering his body than he had yesterday, and it really worried you. You loved him with all your heart and it pained you to see him hurt like he was. He didn't deserve to constantly be covered in wounds like he was. He didn't deserve to go through the pain that whoever was doing this to him caused him. You just couldn't stand it. You began to grit your teeth and clench your fists on the desk top, but your fit of anger was short lived when your teacher called on you to answer the math problem on the board.

"The answer is 23, sensei,"  you said after realizing what was going on in the room outside of your mind.

"Correct," your teacher said before asking another question to a different student, but you were no longer paying attention to what he was saying; you were too busy staring at the back of Amane's head, deciding that you were going to support him to the best of your ability despite not knowing exactly what was going on.

Eventually, your class was dismissed to go to lunch, so you and Amane met up in the hallway and silently walked to the roof hand in hand.

When you got there, you noticed that he wasn't holding anything but your hand. You let go of his, put your bento in front of you, and motioned for him to sit down next to you. He carefully did as you asked, trying to wear a smile to cover up the pain that the movement put him in. "Amane," you began, "I'm worried about you! I'm really, really worried about you! I love you!" The whole time you spoke you made direct eye contact with him, catching hints of emotions that you could not quite place. He was quiet as you continued on, never breaking eye contact, "Amane, I can't let you not eat again! Please allow me to share my bento with you!"

"______..." his voice trailed off. "Please don't worry as much. I'm fine. I really am, I promise. I'll be just fine as long as I have you, ______." He smiled brightly at you. It was such a bright and beautiful smile that always got your heart pumping and made you smile as well. "If you want to share your bento with me, you're going to have to feed me."

You were taken aback by his request at first, because normally he would just refuse to eat your food. Nonetheless you smiled and picked up a rice ball with your chopsticks, moving it towards his mouth, "Say awww." You giggled a little after he took the rice ball into his mouth and chewed it. Sometimes, he did things like this that made your heart flutter, adding even more to the list of reasons why you loved him.

You continued to feed the both of you with your lunch until it was all gone. "That was delicious, ______. Thank you!" Amane thanked you before leaning in for a kiss. You immediately kissed back and gently wrapped your arms around his neck, causing his to wrap around your waist.

You pulled away from the kiss, still in his embrace with your foreheads touching, "I love you more than you know, Amane."

"Maybe so, but I love you way more, _______," he whispered before moved to kiss you again

*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'(*゚▽゚*)'・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*

Up next...
- {SE} Death The Kid x Reader (fluff)
- {HQ!} Miya Osamu x Reader (angst)

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