{BLC} Shirosaki Hichigo x Quincy! Reader (fluff)

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-_____'s P.O.V.-

There Ichigo goes, leaving school to fight hollows again. He should really be careful with doing that in order to not attract attention. At least I never attract attention, I've always kept my spiritual pressure low and have only fought against hollows in secret. It almost seems like he's screaming, "Hey, look at me," with that pressure of his, and don't even get me started on how almost blatantly obvious his friends are too. I'm so glad that I'm never in the spotlight like they are, that would be awful.

I continued to sit at my desk, sketching a drawing of a forest when Orihime came up to me. "Would you like to come eat lunch with us, ______?" She was referring to herself and the other girls of course.

I didn't really want to get close with them because it might cause me to make the same slip ups she was. "Thank you so much for the offer, but I need to finish this sketch," I declined her offer.

Without skipping a beat, she responded with, "Okay, see you later, _____." She waved goodbye before walking out of the room with Tatsuki.

Now I was completely alone. FINALLY (I'm an introvert and this is literally me)! I continued to draw, shading all of it so the different shades would make one another stand out.

I felt a presence enter the classroom, but I didn't think much of it at first as it was probably someone who forgot something. I continued to draw until I heard a voice from directly behind me say, "That's a really pretty scene that you're drawing there, _____."

Shocked, I spun around in my chair to come face to face with someone I'd never seen before. He looked like Ichigo, but his skin and hair were bleach (haha) white, and his eyes were black with golden irises. I stared at him for a moment before asking, "Who the hell are you?"

He chuckled and said, "I'm basically a hollow trapped inside of Ichigo. I'm very interested in you, though. How is it that you, a quincy, stays pretty undetectable?"

He actually wanted an answer to that question. "I'm good at containing my spiritual pressure," I muttered. I would've killed him on the spot, but I didn't know if killing him would kill Ichigo too.

"Hmmm," he hummed, "I think I'll let you live, since I can tell you're not going to do anything to stop me, and you're absolutely beautiful."

With those words, the blood rushed to my cheeks and caused me to blush.

"It's actually kind of sad. Day after day I have to watch you from afar from inside of Ichigo, only being able to catch small glimpses of you as he doesn't seem to notice your existence. It's pretty agonizing," he said while moving closer to me.

I thought about running away, but I didn't. I felt oddly at peace, despite all of the issues with this situation.

"We may not be compatible because of what we are, but I really don't care," he whispered before moving in to place a kiss on my lips. As soon as he had he said, "I'll be back to see you again my dearest."

He ran out of the classroom, leaving me a blushing, confused mess.

*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'(*゚▽゚*)'・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*

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-{AC} Older! Akabane Karma x Reader (lemon)

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