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"BLOODY HELL! HOW THE HELL DID THAT HIT ME!" I screamed at my laptop, as the red screen displays You died! Score: 1501. "Well, I guess that's the end of it, guys. Almost got to the ender dragon, and died to a stupid skeleton on the way to the portal. Sorry guys. RIP. How long was that? 10 hours? Welp, that's gonna be hell getting onto Youtube later. Probably gonna cut it down to hour segments. Guess that's the end of the stream guys. I love you all! Bai!" I cut the stream before sighing. Well, that's depressing. Well, only can start over! Before I can start the game over, my phone rings with a random number. "Hello? You've got Autumn." 

"Autumn Schultz, right?"

"Correct. Who is this?"

"I'm Declan Pitts, also known as-"

"16BitDec. Why wouldn't I know who you are? You're the priest on the Mianite server."

"And that's why I'm calling. We need another girl on the server. Sonja can't be the only one anymore. So, the Mianite gang and I would like to invite you to join the realm of Mianite."

"No. I'm kidding! Of course I would love to! Tomorrow at noon, right?" 

"Correct! I'll talk to you then!" 

"Altight! Bye, Dec!"

"Bye, Autumn." 

I hang up the phone before smiling and going on my twitter. 

@AutumnSchultz: Guise! Check out Mianite tomorow! I've got a suprise for you guys! twitch.tv/quixiotic #MianiteHype 

I then post the same things to Facebook and instagram, along with a twisted selfie. 

God, I can't wait for tomorrow! 


Guys, I really wanted to begin writing this after starting my Tobuscus one. So, I'll most likely be writing this more than that one. =^w^= 


A Match Made in Mianite - A Tom Cassell Fan-FictionWhere stories live. Discover now