The Honeymoon Part 1

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As soon as the car pulled away from the curb, Tom wrapped a blindfold over my eyes. And kept it there until he finally said, "Ok, we're here! You can take it off now!" I rip off the blindfold to see trees and water and the bluest sky I've ever seen. "Welcome to Rabbit Island! We're in Japan!" 

"WE'RE IN MOTHERFUCKING JAPAN AND YOU DIDN'T TELL ME!?" I say, slapping his arm. "I love you." 

"And I love you too." He kisses me lightly before grabbing our bags and bringing it into the cottage. "Come check the place out!" I start to follow him inside before seeing something moving in the brush. I walk over before seeing a bunny hopping over to me. 

"OH MY GOD!" I scream, picking it up and cuddling it. Tom runs out before I say, "CAN WE KEEP IT?"

"We can't love. That's the thing here. There's rabbits everywhere. They live here." THEY LIVE HERE OH MY GOD. I start to have a mini freak out before smiling. "Come on inside." I drop the rabbit before grabbing Toms hand. "This is the cottage! Living room..." He starts to ramble about the rooms before showing the bedroom. "And this is the bedroom-" I press my finger to his lips before smiling. 

"Lets break in the bed." 



Guys, this is only part one of the honeymoon. Expect more tomorrow.



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