Tiem Riester!

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"Autumn!? You're gonna take out Dianite?! Your- our- lord!?" Tom says. "How could you?" 

"Did you see what he did, Tom? I talked to Tucker for not more than 5 minutes and what does he do? Exiles me after he forced me to kill you. Did you even see that?! None of the less, the dick had the nerve to call me a slut. He's basically calling for his ass to be murdered." 

"But can't you talk-"

"I'm forced to live in the god damn End. The only friends I have are the fucking guys that steal my shit. Wag and I are gonna take him out. I don't care if you try to stop me.  I will slay anyone." 

"Ok...can I help?" I hear Tucker say.

"If you insist. But, I'd prefer you not. Dianite will be watching you four now that I'm out of the picture. You've got to look as legitimate as possible. Don't do anything too strange. But I'll need food, ores and anything you can spare."

"Ok...Where will we leave it? You can't come here." Sparklez says next. 

"I'll leave a chest in the nether by the portal. Thanks guys. Tiem Riester?" I say before walking upstairs. 


"Its nothing." Tucker says before I smile.

"I want you guys to tell me when shits going down. That way I can come and finish it. Or may I say, him." 

"I think it might be going down now..." 



Sorry it's late guys! My computer decided to take a shit last night. But here it is! <3 

We hit 1K reads! Thaaaaank you! <3


A Match Made in Mianite - A Tom Cassell Fan-FictionWhere stories live. Discover now