Y u do dis

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Fuck. "How the hell am I going to get out of here?" I say, rubbing my eyes. I glance down at my phone, seeing that 2 hours have passed. "Well, i guess we'll find out tomorrow. Knowing our luck, we'll be here for days. Unless a miracle happens..." I shrug before smiling. "Well, until tomorrow. Bai!" I cut the stream before sighing. This gonna be rough. 



*Next Day*

I start the stream before smiling. "Welp guys. I hope you have crosswords ready or something, cause this is going to be boring. I got mine." I hold up the crosswords before smiling. "Lets log in, then." I log into the server before seeing Wag in front of me. "And here he is! My favorite person." 

Waglington: I hope you slept well. 

Quixiotic: I guess. If you include my head being as flat as a board.

Waglington: I have to keep you away from the others. Your too dangerous.

Quixiotic: How? The most dangerous thing I have is iron.

Waglington: Not weapons...the one who cannot be named

Quixiotic: Voldemort?

Waglington: Your god, imbecile.

Quixiotic: Dianite? 

Waglington: Exactly. We can't have those lies being spread through the village, can we?  

Quixiotic: Are you saying I'm communist? 

Waglington: Dianite isn't real. Say it with me. Dianite isn't real. Say it with me.

Quixiotic: Waglington is a douche.

As soon as it goes through chat, he hits me with his sword again. 

Quixiotic: Douche

Waglington: I hope you enjoy it here.

He leaves the window before I pace back and forth. "And now the wait begins." 

*2 days later*

Waglington and I go through more interventions, each time ending with Wag hitting me. I've almost starved, but Wag would throw me a couple apples before that would happen. I already finished today's 'intervention' before I was sitting and working on today's crossword. I look up at the screen before seeing, Welcome Dianite to the Realm of Mianite! MY LORD! "Fuck you, fuck you. DIANITE IS REAL BITCHES!" 

Quixiotic: M'lord. I know that you just arrived, but I am in need of your assistance.

Dianite: What is it, follower?

Quixiotic: Waglington has trapped me in a bedrock cage for days now, and I cannot escape. I am need of your assistance to regain my freedom.

Dianite: Oh yes. That is why I'm here. I'll deal with that. 

I move a block over before seeing my entire cage gone, along with Dianite in front of me. 

Quixiotic: Thank you, m'lord. ]

Dianite: A gift.

He throws something at me before I smile. 

(Dianite>>Me) Run.

I run out of the area and back towards the priests house. FREEDOM!

(Me>>Dianite) Thank you, m'lord

(Dianite>>Me) Make it up to me later. Stay safe. I have plans for you and the one they call Syndicate. 

"Me and Tom? Interesting." I open my inventory, and see a sword. The Sword of Recklessness. +15 damage with sharpness and looting. "Just what we needed. Guys, we're gonna fuck shit up." 



FREEEEEEEDOM! What plans do you think Dianite has for Quix and Tom? 

Where's Mianite and Ianite in this? 


A Match Made in Mianite - A Tom Cassell Fan-FictionWhere stories live. Discover now