What a busy day

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*That Day - Autumn's POV*

"Ready?" Tom says, smiling with a paddle in one hand and his other extended towards me. The canoe was already sitting by the water. The sun shone down perfectly as the water reflected the blue sky in its ripples. I look all around before my eyes stop on Tom. 

"Yes." I say, taking his hand before we walk over to the boat. "Who's in the front?" 

"You, go ahead." Smiling, I walk over to the front and sit down. A second later, the boat moves forward and I let out a squeal. "What was that?" 

"Nothing. Forget that." I say, blushing. The boat moves out on the water before Tom and I push off into the water entirely, a good 20 feet from the shore, where the waters a good 2 or 3 feet deep. "Its gorgeous, Tom!" I say as we sit in the water. "Wait. We forgot the paddles." I say, laughing. 

"I thought we forgot something." I start to paddle with my hands like Tom before the boat flips over into the water. I struggle in the water for a minute before we manage to flip the boat over. As soon as the boats off of our heads, I can swim easier. Tom and I lock eyes before we start laughing. "I didn't expect that to happen!"

"Good thing I'm not wearing white. Or bring my purse with me." We bring everything in to shore before sitting down and smiling at each other. Before I realize it, Tom's lips are crashing onto mine before I respond, kissing with equal fervor. A second later, we break it off before I look up at the sky. "Its gorgeous."

"Not as much as you."



*That Night*

"Hey, get dressed." Tom says, poking his head in the office where I'm editing a video. "We're going out." 


"Yep! Come on!" He shuts the door before I walk into the bedroom Tom and I share, where I have my own walk-in closet Tom suffered over to me. I look through my fancy things, finding a green and black dress. Havn't worn that in a while. I throw it on along with some black heels and a black clutch. I touch up my makeup before curling my hair quickly enough without getting burned. "Love!?" Tom yells from downstairs. 

"Coming!" I yell back before walking down the stairs, gaining a shocked look from Tom. "Whats wrong?" 

"Nothing...you're just so beautiful..." He says, smiling a ridiculous smile. I look him up and down, finding him in a black v-neck with a blazer over it, dark pants and dress shoes. "You dress to impress..." 

"No, angel. I undress to impress." I say smiling back. Knowing the both of us, we were probably going to test my talents tonight. "Ready?"

"Yep." Tom drives the two of us to a restaurant. And a pretty fancy one. We get in easily and got decent service. I mean, we were sat down fast and got our food pretty fast. And the food wasn't bad, either. "Autumn..." I hear Tom whisper. I look up before seeing him standing in front of me and smiling. "You know I've loved you since I first heard your voice. When you stole my diamonds, when James kidnapped you and Dianite saved you, when you and I spent days working on Dianites temple only for him to tell you to kill me, and when I accidentally let the fact we were dating on stream when you became my god. Literally. I've loved you through every second of my life since I met you. And I want to spend every moment of the rest of my life with you. So, Autumn Skyler Schultz, will you marry me?" 

I sit and stare at him before my mouth opens slightly. Tom wants to marry me? "Yes." I whisper out. "I'll marry you, Thomas Cassell. Yes." 



We've got a wedding! #AUTOM IS REAL


A Match Made in Mianite - A Tom Cassell Fan-FictionWhere stories live. Discover now