Awe Sonja

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"I can tell he likes you. He talks about you all the time."

"He does?" 

"Yeah, he's always talking about how awesome you are. Its kinda weird. I'm finally happy he's finally asked you out." Sonja says, smiling a large smile. "And that he won't be alone over there anymore." 

"He was never really alone. He could have always called me if he wanted someone to hang out with." 

"Or club with." 

"Or club with, yes." I say, blushing. "That's true yes." 

"You two are so cute."

"Shut up. You and Tucker are the cutest." 

"What?" I hear Tucker say before he comes up on the camera. "What about me?" 

"Nothing. Just that you and Sonja are WAY cuter than Tom and I." 

"Lies. A couple days ago, I think it was when you and him were working on something together, he walked in after he finished and said, and I quote, 'She's getting to me.' He loves you." 

"Awe. I hope you get the booty tonight, Tuck." 

"I hope." Tucker looks over at Sonja before they share a moment. "If she gives it to me."

"Its yours." 

"Um...I'm gonna to you guys later." I disconnect before stepping away from the computer. I need to eat.



The stream goes by uneventful for the first hour before I walk out of my house and recieve a message from Dianite.

(Dianite>>Quixiotic) Come to my temple. Come prepared for war. 

War, eh. I grab my best weapons, 10 Notch apples, a stack of pork chops, 3 stacks of arrows, a couple stacks of cobble in case of emergency, invis potions, torches and my best armor. Putting on my armor, I run towards the temple, I run into Tom. 

(Quixiotic>>SynHD) Did he message you too? 

(SynHD>>Quixiotic) Indeed. Ready for war? 

(Quixiotic>>SynHD) Indeed. 10 Notch. 

We run up to the temple and climb the ladder, entering through the secret entrance. 

(Quixiotic>>Dianite) Who are we fighting, m'lord?

(Dianite>>Quixiotic) Syndicate. I fear he's been working with the Mianites against me

(Quixiotic>>Dianite) I can't m'lord

(Dianite>>Quixiotic) Do it now or you will be slain and exiled

(Quixiotic>>Dianite) Ok m'lord. 

Tom? This sucks. But I have to. 

Quixiotic: I'm sorry about this.

I break out my sword before slaying him easily. 

(Quixiotic>>Dianite) Is that it, M'lord?

(Dianite>>Quixiotic) Yes. I will call on you if I need more. Many thanks

(Quixiotic>>Dianite) Its nothing. Farewell for now. 

I send the message before jumping out a window into the lake below and swimming away. 

IIJeriichoII: What happened?

SynHD: She just killed me and ran! 

IIJeriichoII: Need my help finding her? 

SynHD: Pls

IIJeriichoII:Got it

I run down the field, drinking an invis potion and turning westwards. I run home, grabbing a few things before continuing into the desert where I made a secret base. "Nobody knows where I live. Remember, snitches get snitches."  I shut the door before sighing. "Anyone...and I repeat anyone tell where the hell I am gets timed out. Ok?" I say, before receiving oks in the chat. 

(IIJeriicho>>Quixiotic) I'm gonna give you two minutes to tell me why you killed him. 

(Quixiotic>>IIJeriichoII) M'lord demanded it of me. I couldn't say no. He said he'd exile me

(IIJeriichoII>>Quixiotic) Hmmm

(IIJeriichoII>>Quixiotic) Ok. Come back to your home and give me Tom's stuff

"Sorry guys, I have to. Don't want any enemies." I run back to my house before seeing Jericho there. I throw him tom's stuff before sighing. 

(Quixiotic>>IIJeriichoII) That's all of it 

(IIJeriichoII>>Quixiotic) Apologize

Quixiotic: I'm sorry for brutally murdering you, Tum. I was going to be exiled if I didn't. 

Dianite: Are you working with the Mianites too? 

Quixiotic: No!

Dianite: Too late for making excuses, slut. You're now exiled from my realm. 

"Who the hell is he calling a slut? What did I do?' 

Quixiotic: You know what! I never wanted to live here anyway! I'm going to leave willingly! Screw you! And by the way, watch who you call a slut. When I come back, you'll regret that you ever said that. 



Ooooooh! Drama llama! Shits going down! What do you think Quix has planned? And where's wag?


A Match Made in Mianite - A Tom Cassell Fan-FictionWhere stories live. Discover now