Can I haz booty?

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*Authors note*

I'm going to sound like a loser for this, but thanks everyone for the support! This is my 1st really big story that I've written, and the support I've received is amazing. Thaaaanks guys! <3




Tom leads me towards a club. "If you ever need to relieve some stress, come here! It'll most likely make you feel better!" 


Tom leads us into the club, getting us drinks. Soon that one drink turns to two, then four, then six. By that time, Tom and I are dancing rather...provocatively. I turn around before putting my lips up to his ear. "How about getting out of here...?"



The next day, I wake up with an arm around me. What the hell? I look over, seeing Tom asleep. Don't tell me that I...I manage to climb out of bed before seeing his naked bum. I did. Fuck. I walk into the kitchen and brew some coffee before sitting down with a cup. How are we going to approach this? Tom and I fucked for fucks sake. I wasn't until then that I looked down and saw that I was naked. "For fucks sake." 

"What, love?" I look up and see Tom, fully dressed.

"We fucked Tom. I fucked you. I can't even remember last night." 

"We had a few drinks and apparently we ended up screwing."

"Obviously." Wait. Why the fuck am I stressing? I fucked Tom Cassell. I look down before remembering my lack of clothes. "Oh." I walk back into the bedroom before throwing on something. "Alright. What time is it...?" I glance at the clock, seeing 12pm. "I got to take a shower." 

"Alright, I'm just going to go home and do the same. I'll talk to you on stream." 

"Alright. Bye." He gives me a quick hug before walking out the door. 

"And there he goes, Luna. You don't remember last night, do you?" She meows for a second before I smile. '"Well, forget about it. I dont want your mind contaminated with me being fucked." She meows again before I walk away towards the bathroom. 



After my shower, I get a Skype call from Sonja. 

"Heya, Sonj. Whats up?"

"So I heard about last night." She says, smiling.

"What about last night?"

"About you and Tom...doing the booty-touchin." I only blush before smiling. "I knew it! How was it?"

"It was amazing. He's amazing." 



Oooooh... booty-touchin!


A Match Made in Mianite - A Tom Cassell Fan-FictionWhere stories live. Discover now