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Chapter 17


"Are we in the Philippines?" Zylu asked while we're walking and finding Nemo---I mean Megan, Vivian and Sofia.

"I guess we're at the Spain," I answered sarcastically.

"But the 's' is silent," he senselessly said. "Just kidding,"

"Whatever, Attorney," I said and I fastly walk.

"Doc!" He yelled and I stopped then face him.

"I made you tacos," I smiled at him.

"You complete me," he answered and give me a sweet smile. "Give me your luggage," he offered.

"I can manage,"

"No. You're tired, let me bring them."

"Fine." I said and give him my luggage.

We walked towards to the three girls holding a banner.

"WELCOME BACK HERA!" They said and I hugged them.

"Nasaan 'yong snow?!" Vivian asked and I pointed Zylu.

"Asked him," I answered and I looked at Sofia. "Your eyes-"

"Hindi ah, masaya lang ako kasi bumalik ka na, I missed you!" She said while smiling.

"I missed you too," I smiled and hugged her.

"We missed you!" Megan and Vivian joined the hug.

"Hera," Zylu's voice.

And in three, two, one-

"I'm an Attorney and not your personal assistant," he said and I raised a brow.

He volunteered to help me with my luggage yet he... Err!

"Attorney Zymon Luis Laxamana," he introduced himself. "She's the only one who called me 'Zylu'," he gaze at me and smirked.

"No one asked," I said while raising a brow at him.

"Where do you want to eat?" I asked the girls.

"McDo!" Vivian said.

"Jollibee!" It's Sofia.

"Fine. KFC," Zylu said and walked away.

"Ang galing," Megan chuckled.

"Hera, suyuin mo," Vivian tease me. I shook my head and left a soft laugh.

We're here at the KFC and Zylu was the one who ordered our foods, we are talking about Sofia's relationship because I can feel that she's having a hard time. When I was in U.S. everytime we talked on Skype she's always opening up to me, I give her some advices and I'd try to comfort her even though we're far ayaw from each other.

"Saan ka magtratrabaho?" Megan asked then Zylu came and put the foods on the table.

"Lawrencium Medical Center," I answered. "Around España." I continued.

"Kailan start mo?" Vivian asked.

"April 01," I said. "I'll pick up my coat and schedule tomorrow,"

"Can I go along with you?" Zylu asked and I smiled.

"Sure," I answered. "Where's your Firm by the way?" I asked and he gave me a wide smile.

"Lawrencium Firm, my lady," he winked and my mouth curved into a smile.

Zylu drove us way to our Condo, I grabbed my luggage and the girls helped me with it.

"Thank you," I said and he smiled.

MY DREAMS AND GOALS (Goal Series #01)Where stories live. Discover now