Chapter 9: W.D.E.D

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Short, clipped footsteps came towards me while my eyes were adjusting to the light.

A man in a crisp black suit was standing five feet away from me and spoke in a harsh tone," Name?"

Still struggling to catch my bearings, I felt an electric current rip through me as I yelped in pain while the man threatened," Speak, or it will happen again."

I was panting from the pain, and while stunned, I whispered," Xyverinos."

He questioned me," Age?"

I was barely aware of his questions as he shocked me again. Yelping in pain from the second shock, I also whispered," Four almost five in three months."

He nodded before he asked," What is your species?"

Breathing heavily and having no desire to get shocked again, I answered," Angelic Wyvern."

Fear took hold of me as I asked one of my questions," What are you going to do to me?"

His eyes hardened while he pressed a remote, and the chain around my neck tightened as I choked on it. He growled," We ask the questions, and you obey us, slave!"

Now gasping from the lack of oxygen, he pressed the button, and the collar untightened as he ordered," Now tell me, what are all your abilities?"

While it sounded like a question, I knew it was a command answering immediately," Breathe fire, read emotions, predict the next move in battle. Release a slight amount of light to illuminate my surroundings. Sharpen my wing feathers along with flinging them. The last one I can read minds."

He froze as he thought,' Being able to read minds would give us a huge advantage. I will have to Deniard as he is the leader of the collarless.'

Keeping a scared face, not to say I wasn't afraid, I kept this information later. The man smirked," Well, Xyverinos, you will be precious to us. I must ask this is that all the powers your kind has?"

Shaking my head, I spoke nervously," I don't know. Most likely not."

He sighed as he spoke most likely to himself," Now this is the fun part."

He called out some measurements as a whirring sound slightly lower-pitched than their flying objects came from above me. A second later, severe pain went through my neck and legs. I yelped in pain as I felt spikes puncture my legs and neck. Thankfully I was still laying down; otherwise, I most likely would have collapsed.

A few moments passed as the man spoke," Good, they fit perfectly, sadly we will have to replace them in a few years. Now for directions, listen carefully. The moment the door opens, I want you to walk straight till you see a blue arrow the points to the right. Go straight again tell another blue arrow that points left. Follow that arrow until you reach a large stadium that is where you will meet the others. Punishments are decided by the collarless. Though with your injuries, you got punished enough. Another thing about the collars go in the wrong direction, attack someone, or try to use your abilities, and you will be shocked. Oh yes, that was my last question. What is a Dragon Hunter?"

In a calm, soft voice, I responded cryptically," A dragon hunter of what I know is a creation made by the opposite wyvern. They are the world's best hunters."

He didn't even realize I was cryptic as he nodded," Alright, good. Thank you, pet."

Shivering as he left, I thought, terrified of the short journey I would have to go through,' So this is W.D.E.D.'

Shaking my head as the chains unattached from me as I lay on the ground, I heard a different whirling sound, and a large exit door slowly opened. While I looked through the long hallway, blue lights lit the hallway. Slowly standing up, I cried in pain and noticed bandages around the injuries I took from Unla. I could feel the barbed points from the collar and clasps on my ankles dig into the muscles. Tears streamed down my face as I slowly made my way through the hallway. I could feel my wounds opening, which meant it hadn't been that long since my one-sided fight. The first arrow appeared in front of me, turning in that direction. My vision was going hazy from the pain and stumbling from the amount of pain I was experiencing. I forced myself to the next arrow. This one took far longer as the pain was far worse on this last one. Turning on the final turn, I saw the distant glow of light far in the distance. Or it felt far to me. Sounds of liquid hitting the ground underneath me sounded as I realized it was blood, my blood.

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