Part III Epilogue

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Five years later

I opened my eyes with the sunlight streaming into the cave I shared with my family. My young two-year-old daughter, Evalth, my mate, and our eggs are due to hatch soon. Remembering, I had a meeting with Requiem, Unnin, the council, and some humans.

I stood up, and I heard Evalth groan," Dad, where are you going?"

I chuckled," A meeting. Want to come with?"

She perked up as my mate spoke," Oh no, she doesn't. I need to help her with her healing magic."

Evalth whined," But mom?"

She growled," No. It will be boring anyways."

Stifling a laugh, I sighed," Sorry, but she is correct; it is boring. I am just talking to some humans about the situation that happened five years ago."

Disappearing in a swirl of wind, I appeared in the meeting room as Requiem chuckled," About time."

I answered," Sorry, my daughter is stubborn."

Everyone on the council chuckled in amusement as they all knew how much she was like her mother.

One of the humans questioned," What species is she?"

I answered," Angelic, so yeah, there are two now, her and me. Now shall we get onto business?"

Everyone nodded as a second human spoke," Can you tell us what happened? Why was the world-shaking?"

Requiem speaks up first," My father Unnin, of the Demonic wyverns, was trapped under a spell. Same with my younger brother Unla who passed away during the war."

One of the humans was writing something down and spoke up," I thought Demonic Wyverns are the strongest creatures along with the Angelic Wyverns?"

I answered," Actually, no, there is one breed even more powerful than us. While I am the strongest being on Zaten itself, I am not the strongest in the galaxy that title belongs to the galaxy wyverns."

Allit speaks up, continuing off of me," A Galaxy Wyvern is a being who could single-handedly destroy the entire galaxy our planet lives in, or at least according to the stories."

Sighing, I answered their questions," Yes, that was the being who placed Unnin under the spell. Now allow me to answer your following questions, No I will not just allow you to catalog each wyvern, dragon, or phoenix in my home. I am the leader of this place; I am responsible for everyone's safety. So I don't trust you."

One man yelled," You should trust us!"

I released a fraction of my aura as I answered," Who will make me. If I recall, I can obliterate the entire human capital. But there is peace here; I do not wish to disturb that peace. "

The man humbled slightly, bowed his head," I apologize for my transgression, Xyverinos."

I smiled lightly," No worries, as long as you don't push it, no harm, no foul now, if you don't mind me doing something that will help my explanation of the battle five years ago. I will place the memories of the battle with Requiem's father, Unnin, into your heads so you ask questions easier. "

Taking the special memories, I placed the memories of the battle into their heads as they all nearly fell over in shock as I questioned," Any questions?"

One man spoke up nervously," W-what happened to Unnin after the battle?"

Requiem spoke up," He is down at home in hell. So yeah, he is watching his grandchildren."

I blinked and shook my head and sighed while I felt a slight talon dig into my leg. Then, holding back a yelp of surprise, I noticed my daughter looking at me as Elder Storm chuckled.

Looking at her, I spoke into her head,' What is it Evalth?'

She answered right back,' Mom said I can come.'

I shrugged, speaking out loud," Alright, anyways, I was finishing."

Giving a side look to Requiem as he grinned," Well, that is all for today we will continue this another time."

Everyone nodded in agreement. At the same time, I smiled down at my daughter while we headed outside. I was standing by the entrance with her looking out at the sky.

A/N Done with the Epilogue and the end of Feathered Wings. I am planning to make another part, a second book to this. Evalth will be a part of that book, not sure if she will be one of the main characters or a side character. Well, until I begin writing book two, I will post an announcement when that does come out 

Feathered Wings(Completed)(Watty 2023)Where stories live. Discover now