Chapter 11: Promotion, Lockdown, and Escape

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Three months later

Curled up in my blankets and pillows, I listened to the conversations around me or the ones outside my cell, to be exact. During these past three months, I have made tremendous progress in the ranks. Currently, I was in the next batch to be tested to be collarless. My injury was much better; while I did get some pain in the damage caused by Unla, I could now move with ease. My bones have entirely recovered from being smashed into the ground. My theory about Demonic Wyvern's darkness seemed to be correct. Their shadows are my greatest weakness.

My mentor's voice came from the door tinged with amusement," Still in here, Xyverinos. All you do is lay in here."

Looking up, I chuckled," You're not wrong. I stay in here, so I don't have any gazes on me, plus I am somewhat comfortable. It also enables me to practice a recent skill I picked up from watching Yrvae. A bit harder for me, though, to do."

He sat down by the door," What is this new skill?"

Shrugging, I answered," Being able to manifest orbs of light. Do you want to see?"

He shrugged and sighed," Sure, but after its time for a test, so go to the rotunda after."

Closing my eyes, I concentrated for several seconds, willing orbs of light to appear in the dark cell. Opening my eyes to see two glowing spheres of light floating on either side of me while I panted," By no means is this easy for me to maintain."

My mentor shrugged," It's new, isn't it? It takes time. Now go to the rotunda."

Muttering curses, I sighed, standing up from my semi-comfortable bedding before walking past my mentor and headed towards the rotunda. Walking into the room, I moved to my spot and calmly watched what was unfolding. The week's newcomers were a sea dragon, earth dragon, two fire dragoness, and one plasma dragoness.

Deniard smirked," Welcome to W.D.E.D. This week's newcomers are a sea dragon, an earth dragon, two fire dragonesses, and one plasma dragoness. I think this is the first time we have only had all dragons. Now, as per tradition, whenever newbies come, we test for possible collarless. Oaphae of Fire, Rundi of Earth, Yterralth of lightning, and Xyverinos of Light to come up here."

I heard multiple whispers as I made my way from my spot in the outer edge as Deniard questioned," Xyverinos, where are you?"

Deadpanned, I spoke up," In front of you."

He looked down and growled," How you moved so high in the rankings is beyond me? Now let's begin. Oaphae of fire, how long have you been here?"

Oaphae breathed outwards," Now nearly a decade."

Deniard nodded," I remember that next question. Have you ever thought about escaping?"

Oaphae shrugged with her tail swinging slightly," Honestly, I did quite a bit when I was younger."

Deniard smiled," Thank you for admitting it. The last question for you, suppose if W.D.D.C were to attack would you kill the other wyverns or dragons attacking if they were attacking our human mentors and masters?"

Oaphae thought for a moment," Probably yes, not all humans are cruel. Some of the trainers here, including my trainer, are kind. I understand the need for them to break us down so they can remold us into how they see fit."

Deniard looked at me," Is she telling the truth?"

Shrugging, I looked at her silently, asking for permission to read her mind while she nodded. Finally, after several minutes of reading her mind, I withdrew her mind. I nodded," Yes, she is telling the truth. All Oaphae questions are answered with the pure truth."

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