Part III Chapter 35: Social and Start

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 Following Emily, after I had caught up to Spirit, Cyvin, Typhoon, Eihnieh, and Seldra.

Emily questioned," What did the Commander want you for?"

I sighed," He wanted to make a deal with me."

Cyvin began to prod," What kind of deal?"

Looking at the very impulsive angelic fire dragon," They want me to build something, though they probably want me to use my telekinesis and spirit fire for the metal and building."

Emily spoke seriously," What do they want you to build for the organization."

I grinned mischievously," Oh, I have a guess, and well, he is not going to like what happens when I do finish it."

Spirit paled a tad," Uh, is it just me, or does everyone else have a bad feeling that Xyv here is going to sabotage whatever he is building."

Eihnieh groaned," Nope, Xyv, you going to tell us?"

A dark glint was for sure visible in my blue eyes," Not sure yet, but it most likely is a weapon. Also, Spirit is not wrong, and I am not sabotaging it per se, just making sure it backfires."

Cyvin looked confused," How is it going to backfire?"

Seldra got it first," You are going to make it blow up in their faces."

I responded cryptically," No, but it will provide them with a hit they cannot recover from. No offense Emily."

Emily shrugged," In all honesty, I want to watch W.D.D.C take a significant blow, and who better than yourself."

I had kept track of the turns as we entered a large room, a room big enough to fit at least three hundred wyverns and dragons of Lady Vesta's size. Immediately all talking seized as I entered the large room. I sighed in annoyance as Emily spoke," I will see you six later, and Xyverinos try not to kill anyone. I have a feeling even with your abilities sealed; you can still kill everyone in here."

I shrugged," Actually, that's not true. I am not the strongest in physical form, but the mind is where I excel at."

Emily shrugged and left as I moved towards a corner away from everyone and silently watched all of them. Then, with the sound of clopping hooves coming towards me, a Unicorn stood about ten feet from me.

Confused, I asked," Do you need something, Unicorn?"

The horse-like animal shook its head," No, young one, I just wished to meet the one who has given W.D.D.C so much trouble."

Like all the other creatures here, it had the collar around its neck that disabled all the abilities," You are someone who has a significant and painful destiny ahead of your young one. I wish I can help you, but the power of the future is a tricky thing."

Before I could say a word, he turned around and left, heading back towards his heard,' Yes, I know the power of the future is a tricky thing. But what does he mean?'

Laying my head down, I heard a nervous I answered pretty well," Hello Xyverinos."

Without looking, I answered," Hello Yrvae, it has been over a year since I last spoke to you. How are you doing, and how is Oaphae doing?"

She looked stunned," You remember Oaphae?"

Turning my neck to look at my old friend," Of course. Who else is here?"

She sighed," Basically, all the former collarless are here, well minus Deniard, who the Dragon Hunter killed."

In response to that, I replied," And I killed him."

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