Part II Chapter 31: Capture

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 Time seemed to move slowly as the humans thought about it. Seconds turned to minutes turned to half an hour before a much more confident voice called to me," How about you surrender Xyverinos!"

Snorting, I replied," I hold power here right now. I can obliterate this entire area quickly and kill all of you."

A human figure stepped away from a truck shadow, and in his hand, he held a gun. I snorted," You think a gun scares me anymore? Two years ago, it would have, but after what I have been through, it hardly even fazes me."

The man narrowed his eyes," You're more assertive, but what do you mean what you have gone through."

I looked at him dead in the eye," That would be telling now, wouldn't it. But, I will give you a hint; what is the one thing that can leave an injury on me."

The man's eyes widen in shock," H-how, just a year ago, you were nearly killed by one."

I answered," Easy by growing stronger to protect my friends in family. But, I didn't escape that battle unscathed."

Shifting ever so slightly, I revealed the scar on my shoulder. Then, lifting my wings, I revealed the other one," These are the injuries I sustained in two different battles. The one on my shoulder was the one I received during my final battle with Unla. Now, do you see why I am not afraid of you? Compared to fighting an Ersaicean, you humans are nothing but child's play."

Rocks from the meteorite above began to crumble off of it as I spoke softly," If it were up to me, I would ask to make a peace treaty. However, due to my powers of sensing emotions and reading minds, do you think this doesn't take a toll on me? I hate causing pain to others. Without any doubt, though, I am doing this for my friends, family, and the rest of my comrades."

Everyone was looking at me; while I felt uncomfortable with everyone's gazes on me, I pushed it down," Leave, please. I don't want to cause any more death and destruction."

The man suddenly laughed," You, with all your power, don't want to cause any more death and destruction! You are one of the strongest creatures in existence! You the son of Queen Shondrass!"

I breathed outwards," Do you know what my mother's wish was,"

That caught his attention as I continued," It was peace."

The man growled," That is an impossible dream."

I landed facing them," What will you do now that you know my goal."

Reading his mind, I heard,' So this is the power he possesses, and what he uses it for. What a waste; once we collar him, however, we can easily force him to do the opposite!'

I answered my question after reading his mind," So you guys want destruction. That's a shame, really, because of that you have lost."

His eyes turned towards me, shocked as he growled," How do you know that!"

I looked at him softly," Because I read your mind."

His eyes widened in shock," What powers do you have?!"

I responded," Why should I tell you anything? You are already seeing some of them in action."

He glared at me as I moved the meteorite, so it was right overhead," Next time, remember who has the power to drop a meteorite, that is, if you survive."

Flicking my tail, I sent it hurling towards them, only for an explosion to hit it, destroying it immediately.

My eyes were wide in shock,' What in the world destroyed something that big!'

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