Part II Chapter 29: Dawn of Defeat

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Allit smiled down at me as her graceful form weaved through the clouds as she called from above in the golden voice," Get up here, little brother!"

Jumping into the air, I rocketed beside her as my six wings carried me through the air at a much faster pace.

She sighed," I love being free in the air! The sound of the wind, the gentle breeze that sweeps through the land."

Nodding in agreement, I hovered in the air," Well, Allit, want to race? It has been two months since you reached equipollence."

She changed the subject," Yeah, and you're turning six soon."

I narrowed my eyes," Yes, elder sister, I am; you want to race or no?"

She smirked," You think you can beat me, little brother?"

Mirroring her smirk," Let's find out, shall we? Where is the goal?"

She grinned," My room."

Nodding as I breathed out, hovering beside her," Rules?"

She thought for a moment," No sabotaging or using any power, only wings."

Nodding in agreement," Alright, do you want me to do the countdown, or do you want to."

She shrugged," I will. We start in G.O.!"

We both took off at full speed as my six wings pumped in an even rhythm. My sister rocketed ahead of me as I smiled, happy to be spending time with her. Then, pushing my wings harder, I caught up to her as she laughed," You are much faster now!"

I retorted," Yeah, and I would be going even faster if I wasn't still trying to get used to the extra pair of wings."

She snickered as she dove down," So how did you get so strong?"

I grumbled," Dealing with a slave driver, who was once known as Inferno of the Void Flame."

Sensing her shock as she hovered for a moment, completely forgetting about the race as I smirked, zooming past her, I heard her suddenly yell," XYVERINOS GET BACK HERE SO I CAN MAKE YOU TELL ME EVERYTHING THAT HAPPENED WHILE I WAS LOCKED AWAY!"

I was again weaving through the wings of other wyverns and dragons as I veered upwards, climbing towards the upper levels of the sanctuary. Gulping in fear, I flew through the entrance, a blur to most as I weaved through everyone as I sensed my sister closing in fast, very fast. Flipping mid-air, I dove into her cave in the next instant. My sister, who was not even thirty seconds behind me, took note of me sitting on her bed as I grinned," I win."

She scowled," Yes, you did, and now you will tell me what you went through three months ago."

Gulping, I sighed in defeat and inquired," Where should I begin?"

She growled," How about after mother, fathers, and Innurth's funeral?"

Sighing, I thought for a moment; I breathed out slowly," While you went missing right after the funeral, I sparred with Xisu and Graveonth. After that, I entered the council chambers and got permission to go on a quest for an alliance; in the end, it didn't work out as we were attacked. However, during the three months, I was there, I trained with Inferno with fire, manipulating my aura and physic, Breeze with my void wind and magic capabilities, Kirara with my void lightning. Sun I trained with light, or just sharpening my skills with that element. Here and there, I trained with Vesta for mental aspects, and it was surprising how much she knew about it. After we got word that the creatures of darkness would attack three months or, in other words, six months ago now. Inferno and my other teachers pushed me as hard as possible, ensuring that I would have a fighting chance against Unla."

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