Part III Chapter 38: Time Flies

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A month and a half later.

Narrowing my eyes as I forced the metal part of the core of the weapon. Then, releasing a blast of flames that nearly melted it into sludge as I cursed," Fluffy bullfrogs, this is a pain!"

I coughed slightly as I heard Thomas bark a laugh at my swearing as I made the metal cool down, fastening the metal to the outside of the barrel as Emily called," Alright, Xyverinos, time to come on down!"

Nodding in consent, I glided down towards Emily as she spoke," How are you doing?"

I shrugged as Thomas walked over, laughing as I flicked my tail," Thomas if you say one word about me swearing like that to anyone, I will turn you into a ball of ash and eat it."

He growled," I can't tell if you are joking or not."

Grinning at one of my oldest human friends," That's the point. Yeah, I am kidding Thomas, you are one of the only humans I can stand."

He glared at me as he spoke, looking at Emily," Don't you have to get the little ball of fluff to the social?"

I growled and lunged at my human friend as I tackled him," I am not a little ball of fluff! Call me that again, and I will drag you around this place twice."

He heard my voice that had raised an octave. Thomas gulped as Emily snickered at her superior's misfortune. I was currently sitting on him or doing what my deceased brother, Innurth, once did, wrapping my tail around Thomas as Emily spoke," Alright, Xyv, let us go to the social. Maybe let him go."

I coughed again as I glanced back at Thomas as I began walking," Yeah, no, I am dragging him for the ride."

Thomas pleaded," Let me go, Xyverinos! Please buddy for an old friend."

Emily giggled," Wow, stone-cold Thomas pleading to a six-year-old wyvern! I am so going to use it as blackmail for poker night."

Thomas yelled," You wouldn't dare!"

Emily challenged," Oh really. You know I would Thomas for last month's poker game."

I ignored them as I felt Thomas try to struggle and failing miserably to get out of my grip," Thomas, you can't get out a wyvern or dragon's tail is made out of powerful muscles, it would take something thirty times stronger than a human to get out of. So yeah, I give up, Thomas."

I heard him groan in annoyance as I made sure almost to hit him on the corners of the wall as I heard Cyvin start to laugh when we entered the room," Why is Xyverinos dragging Thomas?"

I answered," Cause it is payback."

Thomas yelled," For what! Also, Xyverinos let go of me."

Instead of letting him go, I put more pressure as I heard him groan," Ow ow my ribs Xyv loosen up, please!"

Doing so just a bit as I questioned," Why did I trap you, to begin with, Thomas, or did you forget what you called me?"

Spirit asked," And what did he call you?"

I pouted," A ball of fluff."

All of them burst out laughing as Thomas protested," See, they agree with me! Right?"

Cyvin managed to speak through gasped," If anything, Xyverinos is not a ball of fluff!"

Thomas muttered," Traitors, and you wouldn't be saying that now if you saw him when he was two years younger and much nicer."

I spoke, looking at him over my shoulder, innocently," I am still nice except those who call me a ball of fluff."

'Who am I kidding? It is true, though; I am still a ball of fluff.'

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