Part III Chapter 42: Meeting and Warning

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I was shaken awake by a talon as I groaned," I don't wanna get up."

I heard two sounds of laughter. First, I heard Shyri speak," He hates getting up."

A familiar voice chuckled," Oh, I know; after all, he is my little brother."

Opening my eyes, I looked up to see both Shyri and my older sister Allit as she smiled down at me, though with my emotion-sensing, I could tell she was angry. Forcing myself up, I groaned," Meeting time, I assume?"

Allit growled," You and I are going to talk later."

Shrugging helplessly," No promises."

Feeling at full strength once again, I breathed outwards," Let us hurry up and go."

Shyri teased," Why so you can go back to sleep?"

I admitted," Yes and train, we have a battle coming up in five days."

Getting up, I was about to jump into the air as I looked at Allit," Yes, we will talk, Allit. That much I can promise you."

Allit nodded in consent," Very well, let us go."

She jumped into the air first as both Shyri and myself followed her; I marveled at how much it had grown over the past two, and a half years I was at W.D.D.C."

Hearing surprised gasps and murmurs while there were also some growls and hisses. We were weaving through the tunnels while we made our way to the doors. Landing at the entrance, we walked into the room as I snorted, seeing the entire council here. I noticed my old friends, along with my newer friends, all standing there. Councilmember Neti growled," Welcome back, Xyverinos."

I rose a brow," Shut up. Now, what do you want from me?"

I could tell she was growing angry as I narrowed my eyes while Rykyr spoke up," Xyverinos. I just wanted to confirm with you. Judging by your appearance. You reached equipollence is that true."

I answered," Yes, it is."

Slyrak growled," I told you so. But no, you idiots didn't listen to me."

I watched as Xisu standing by his sister, Shirlan spoke up," Xyv-"

Shirlan interrupted," Enough Xisu, Xyverinos, who is she behind you?"

I sighed," This is Shyri, my girlfriend."

Elder Storm, who already knew, shook her head and with an amused smile," I wonder how that happened?"

Glaring at the older creature, I growled," Now is not the time."

Neti hissed," We still have to punish him for letting him get captured, don't we!"

Rocketing off the spot I was on; a sonic boom resulted from the fast shot off. I knocked into her as I pinned her down and held one of my new perfectly curved wing feathers to her throat," Neti, shut up, or I will remove your throat from your body. I am not the same hatchling I used to be two and a half years ago."

She was deathly pale as I heard a bark of laughter coming from my old caretaker, Krodi," I can vouch for him, Councilmember Neti; he is an equipollence now and arguably the strongest one. In this entire land."

Chuckling hollowly," That is where you are wrong. With the final battle coming up quickly, we can't keep infighting."

Walking back over to my spot, I glared at the councilmembers who were fools," Now what did you want with me. The last time I was in here, you guys are idiots. The only sensible ones who are in here would be Rykyr, Shirlan, and Elder Storm, even if she did try to stop me."

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