Part III Chapter 36: Flames of Sickness

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Two and a half months later

Hovering with all six wings of mine beating in the air while I hovered in the air, beating my wings, I released another powerful torrent of blue flames, heating the metal to red hot. Finally, using my telekinesis, I forced the metal to bend into one of the last pieces of the metallic skeleton of the weapon.

One of the personal spoke on a loudspeaker," Xyverinos, come down and take a break."

Nodding, I landed softly on the ground as one of them came over and led me over to a large barrel of water as I drank about half of it before laying on the ground resting. This last month has been rough because I could only eat every few days and worked long hours without taking a break.

One of the personal spoke," How are you doing?"

I answered wearily," Tired."

Standing up, I turned towards the project I was working on as I didn't allow myself to rest for more than five minutes at a time. Then, jumping into the air, I landed on one of the pillars and controlled another piece of metal. Hovering the metal in front of the next spot where the last piece of the skeleton was located.

Releasing another torrent of blue flames, I proceeded to began to melt it. While I focused, a strange burning sensation was flaring up all along my body as my flames sputtered to a stop briefly as I controlled the metal. I quickly wielded the metal to the skeleton as I collapsed and nearly toppled off the column, catching myself with my feathers sharpened. Yells of shock and fear came from the personal as I slipped off and climbed back up barely.

One of the Personal yelled an order," Xyverinos get down here!"

Weakly looking at him as my collar forced me to obey, falling off the edge, I managed to flap my wings once before crashing into the ground. I felt a hand touch me and yell in pain as I heard Thomas' voice yell coming in," What happened?!"

One of the personal responded nervously," We don't know. Then, after his little break, he collapsed after wielding on the last part of the machine's skeleton."

Thomas yelled," Get a vet in here!"

I hardly was paying attention to anything as I felt something poke my side as I heard Thomas swear," His body temperature is skyrocketing. How had has been pushing himself for, or better yet, how much has the Commander been pushing him?"

The man stuttered," He has been working without hardly any food and long hours. He hasn't been asleep for over forty-eight hours."

Thomas growled," Get Emily in here now."

The sound of footsteps approached as a man with a white coat crouched in front of me as he spoke softly," I think I know what this is, but Xyverinos, can you open your mouth please."

Barely able to lift my jaw, I felt something press on my tongue as I felt the object withdraw as I whimpered lightly in weakness as I heard Emily's voice," Xyverinos!"

The man in front of me spoke," Stop right there; please, I wouldn't touch him right now with him being sick; wait for his temperature to cool down."

Thomas spoke," So what do we do?"

The man in the white coat answered," I would recommend rest and plenty of care until he is better. Emily, I would recommend giving him a cold bath as he is still hot. If you need any help with calming his core temperature down, please do not hesitate to ask."

Emily responded," Of course, thank you, Richard. Let me get Spirit to help cool him down some. That way, Cyvin can help carry him back into the cellblock."

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