Part III Chapter 40: Equipollence of the Sun

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Shyri's POV

The moment we left Xyverinos, I heard Cyvin growl," That was not smart of them to even think about saying that."

Seldra snorted," I do-"

Massive amounts of power flared from inside the room, along with the temperature spiking dramatically. All of the humans in there came rushing out as Thomas stopped for a moment," I think the idiots made a massive mistake! It would be best if you guys got out of here now. He reached it."

Another massive pulse of power as Cyvin yelled," We need to get out of here now! Thomas, jump on my back!"

Thomas quickly jumped onto Cyvins back as I glanced back at the doorway; blue-white flames exploded out the door as we immediately flew towards the Rotunda. The energy my loves equipollences was increasing each second it wouldn't be much longer until it exploded.

Aldentoa had her two one-year-old hatchlings on her back, her eyes wide in shock and fear, feeling the powerful energy stopping by her for a second," We need to get out of here!"

Aldentoa stammered," W-what is happening?"

Spirit spoke in a voice full of panic," Xyverinos, reached equipollence!"

Aldentoa's eyes widened in shock and fear as she bolted into the air as Thomas yelled," Everyone get out of here as fast as you can! Your lives are in danger!"

Immediately they bolted out as the Second in Command yelled," Thomas get us out of here!"

Thomas looked down at them from Cyvin's back, but a pulsing release of energy exploded outwards as Cyvin shot into the air, jumping into the air after them. Then, breaking through the roof with a single blast of Seldra's powerful wind, we got out; Aldentoa was hovering next to us as she yelled," We need to get farther! While it seems his equipollence is taking a tad longer than most, it means it will be much more powerful!"

Spirit with gritted teeth hissed out," I know."

Winging out towards the distance as an earth-shattering explosion sent a shock wave that shoved us outwards towards the oceans. Aldentoa holding her two hatchlings in her claws gasped, we all looked towards that direction as I uttered," He isn't entirely in equipollence, is he."

Enihieh spoke grimly," Far from it. This would be the beginning stage if I had to guess."

The sky was darkening rapidly due to massive storm clouds now swirling above us. I began to see the formation of a massive twister; lightning was flashing above us as the blue ball of flames began to expand at a rapid pace, rushes of wind flung past us. The winds were nearly sucking us in towards the small sun as Seldra used his much better control of our element to shield all of us," We need to go now."

Without another word, we flew as fast as we could far away.

I thought, scared,' Xyverinos, what could they have said to push you to reach that level.'

Thomas growled," Those fools threatened to kill his friends; that is what caused him to snap."

An even stronger surge of energy came from behind us, turning my head around slightly while we flew; a giant orb of flames spread across the land, increasing in size and temperature and obliterating trees, the ocean nearby, and even nearby human settlements. Spears of light arced through the air and peppered the ground destroying whatever the spears hit. The lightning was continuously striking the ground as Cyvin yelled," It's condensing!"

He was right. It was shrinking now at a paid pace. We could see the devastation caused by the increase in size. The entire ground was eaten away by the beginning stages of Xyv's equipollence; boiled rock was all that remained.

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