Chapter 10: Tagging, Training, and Meeting

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 Falling asleep quickly, I didn't wake up until the door opened up and the voice of my mentor spoke," Wake up."

Weakly opening my eyes, I looked up towards the trainer as he grabbed something by a door and it was glowing red with heat—the smell of hot metal. My eyes widened as I noticed the cruel smile on his face.

He spoke an order, smiling cruelly," Stay still, little one. The branding will hurt a lot, and this is only the first part of the tagging process."

Shivering, I shut my eyes as I heard the hissing from the metal that was probably scalding hot.

Hearing my trainer's footsteps circling onto my left side, I heard him speak," This will all be over in a minute."

That was the only advanced warning I received before the hot metal was pressed onto my left leg while I howled in pain, which was being muffled horribly due to me not being able to open my mouth. The pain was intense enough to paralyze me. The smell of burned scales assaulted me while I cried softly. Muffled sobs racked my body, causing more pain from my other injuries.

My trainer took note of this and sighed," According to one of our collarless, you have injuries from a fight just before coming here."

Struggling to get myself to calm down, he commanded," Get up. The sooner you move, the less pain you will be in; we have to chip you in the next part. First, your I.D. until you become collarless is A.W. Zero-Zero-One. Do you know what I.D. means?"

Now in considerably less pain, I shook my head as he replied monotonously," It means identification. A.W. represents Angelic Wyvern, and Zero-Zero-One signifies you are the only one. I will repeat this only once your name is now Zero-Zero-One for the time being until you reach the rank of collarless or the upper three levels. Do you understand this Zero-Zero-One?"

I nodded my head as he continued," Now for your muzzle. The muzzle stays on for lectures, training, and when you are in your cell. This rule stays until you are in the upper three ranks—the only exceptions to the muzzle rule are eating or in the dome. Do you understand all of this Zero-Zero-One?"

Quietly I nodded again as he gave me a pointed glare as he spoke," Good, you understand. Now let us go to your first training session. Your trainer is already there waiting for you. But before we go, I must tag you. As your mentor, I will bring you to different places again until you are high enough rank."

He walked to the door and ordered," Stay as still as possible."

With the object in hand, I felt a minor prick of something going into the base of my neck. After a few moments, my mentor tugs on the leather attachment to what I had just learned was called a muzzle.

I heard him click something while exited my cell as he murmured," Excellent, A.W.'s signal is picking up."

With that over, we began to make our way through the facility as I slowly limped with him. He took a small flat object out of his pocket when we stopped in front of a door. A short beep sounded as we entered a large room as a young woman stood waiting in the middle of the room, walking towards us," Is this him, sir?"

My mentor nodded and replied," Yes, it is. Keep in mind his injuries. We don't want him to die from those injuries. Well, his broken bones healed fast, but I have a sneaking suspicion that the giant wound on his right side was caused by something that it will take time to recover."

In a rare bitter train of thought,' If you had any idea of what caused this injury to me, you would most likely try to capture it, and it would kill you.'

My trainer responded," Yes, sir, If I understand what you are trying to say correctly, you want me to the basics."

Our mentor looked down at him while I watched them," Yes, when he is more or less able to move without limping, you can move onto the more difficult parts. I will be back in an hour."

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