Part II Chapter 19: Meeting with Legends of Old

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Upon turning around, I saw unfamiliar faces. Some of them being new species I have never seen before. Watching them warily as all of them looked much stronger than any equipollence I met prior.

Even the female wind wyverness standing beside Inferno was on par with my brother. One of the strange new dragons or a dragoness, the wind wyverness, and the lightning wyverness.

Inferno spoke up," Allow me to introduce my friends and my mate. The wind wyverness beside me is my mate Breeze. The lightning wyverness at that tree is Kirara. The strange-looking dragon beside her is Moon; Moon's mate is Feather. The light-colored dragon is Sun, who is a goofball, and his mate is Kirara. Feather is the last one of us, or let me reiterate that second to last. The last one is the leader of our Haven. Any questions?"

Deadpanned, I asked," What species are they? Also, can you let my friends go?"

Inferno smacked himself in the face with his tail as he muttered," And I am a complete moron. I knew I forgot something. The answer to your first question is Sun is a light dragon. Feather is a Storm dragoness. She has a similar scenario to you her species that went extinct, say four hundred and twenty years ago."

Feather protested," Not true at all. I have had several storm hatchlings; We have fifteen of us!"

Inferno smirked," Ah shut up, I am messing with you. But yes, I can release your friends. Moon, unleash your power already."

To my surprise, all the dragons holding claws or talons to my friend's throats vanished in the shadows.

Narrowing my eyes at Moon as Feather snickered," Well, the little one seems to be suspicious of you know. Inferno, we should get going before the Dragon Hunters get here."

Breeze looked at me," Follow us."

They took off immediately as Graveonth shivered," Their power is insane. We landed here, and immediately the shadows got to us."

Shirlan shivered," I met him once, and it was not as intense, but he has grown even stronger."

Shivering in minor shock and fear, I jumped into the air and followed the massive forms of the powerful and experienced wyverns and dragons. We slowly caught up to them as we headed through the Valley of Wind. Looking wistfully around at my old home, I noticed my former home or my mountain where I lived before all of this happened. My former home was utterly obliterated. Chunks of my old house had collapsed in on top of itself.

Shirlan sighed in a sad tone," It's been nearly a year already since the attack happened. I have scouted over here several times, and it still hurts seeing our old home in this state."

Xisu spoke up for the first time since before the fight with Unla," It's utterly destroyed. Also, do we trust them?"

Graveonth, to my surprise, concurred," I say we trust them."

Inferno called from ahead before I could reply," How nice of you to trust us so much, Graveonth."

Reading Xisu's thoughts as I could feel his panic,' What if they kill us? What if they kill my sister, or Graveonth, or Xyv...' He trailed off, seeing the smirk on my face," You were reading my mind, weren't you."

Snickering at his statement as he howled in annoyance and lunged at me. Shooting towards Inferno and the others as I laughed at him, calling back," You know you can't catch me, right!"

With four feathered wings versus two regular wings, I used my far superior agility looping overhead as Xisu cursed at me while all the older wyverns watched as Xisu struggled to keep up.

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