Chapter 26

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Shai’s POV-

I lift my head and see Nakho. He wasn’t invited. Why is he here?! I look at Theo and give a sweet look. I stand up and approach Nakho, grabbing the microphone and handing it to my mom. 

I walk him over to the corner and say, “Nakho, I’m married now. You can’t come here and say that. I don’t love you anymore. Now leave.”

“B-But Shai, I love you.”

“You don’t and don’t call me your Shai anymore.” 

I point to the door and he slowly walks away. I stay until he is gone and walk back over to the table. I tell Theo what happened then we finish our dinner. Then we get up and do our first dance as a couple.

We walk hand in hand to the middle of the dance floor, then the lights dim. I put my head on his shoulder and we dance slowly, our foot steps in beat. We dance to “Stay With Me”. Silent tears of joy slip down my cheeks and I whisper in Theo’s ear, “I love you.”

“I love you too.”

Soon the dance was over and I wipe tears away from my cheeks. Then I do the father-daughter dance and it was perfect. I got to dance with the two men I love the most. 

After dancing to a couple more songs, it was time to cut the cake.

We stand up and walk over to the cake. Everyone gathers around us and we take the cutter and I wrap my hand around it. Theo then wraps his hands over mine and we slowly cut a slice out. We put it on the plate and I give Theo a bite. He then gives me a bite of cake and smears some icing on my nose with his finger. I laugh and smear some on his face. This day could not be better.

Soon the ceremony is over and we get to head to our honeymoon. We got time off of Insurgent to go to the Caribbean. This is going to be perfect.

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