Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

Theo's POV-

I stare at the hospital tv in shock. Maggie Q? The actress who plays Tori? Shai's alleged attacker? Is she in custody? Oh, she better be. She can't hurt my Shai again. Ever.

I look towards Shai who still has a confused expression on her face. I say towards her, "Shai, it's okay. It doesn't matter who she is. We are going to find her." Shai gives a slight nod and lays down.

Then the doctor comes into the room. He says, "Excuse me, sir. But I just wanted to tell you that Shailene can go home tomorrow. She may still have some amnesia and discomfort but she will get better over the next week or so."

"Thanks, Doctor," I say with utter relief. We can go home. Live life like it was before. With joy and no worries at all.

Shai's POV- (The next day)

I get to go home today. I still have slight amnesia but a lot of memories have flooded back into my mind. I remember who Theo was and the movie Divergent and a lot of the cast members. Theo and I are a couple. I have a real boyfriend that I love even more than before. I even remember Maggie Q. As I think of her name though, I get a look of disgust and slight worry on my face.

I snap back into reality with the sound of Theo's voice. "Come on Shai, let's go home."

Theo and I live in my apartment now in Los Angeles. We are so in love that we decided to move in together as a real couple. Also, I recently found out that Maggie is in custody right now. Which is good because I don't want another incident like that again. In addition, the premieres and movie have both been pushed back 2 weeks due to my injuries. I feel bad, but the movie is still coming out, which is a great relief.

Theo grabs my belongings and we exit the hospital. We are farewelled by a lot of fans and doctors at the hospital and then we get in the car.

We drive for about a half hour due to evening traffic and we arrive at my spacious apartment. It has a nice tiled kitchen, a full bathroom, a small living and dining room, and two bedrooms. Theo puts my stuff down by the door and we sit on the couch. We decide to watch "Finding Nemo", a Disney Pixar classic, and soon we fall asleep. Then I'm awakened by pounding. LOUD pounding.

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