Chapter 28

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Shai’s POV-

We are halfway through our honeymoon. It has been the best time in my life. We swam, played mini-golf, went to the spa and so much more. Tonight we have a dinner date in a private cabana on the beach. I am so excited!

(At dinner date)

We sit down at our table and start eating. It is sunset and the waves are calmer than earlier. I say, “Theo, this is perfect. I don’t know what I would do without you. I love you will all my heart.”

“I love you too Shai. We are two beating hearts that are inseparable. This is the best date ever. I mean ever.”

I smile at his comment and I reach for his hand. I wrap my hand around his and squeeze it tight. He squeezes back. It gives me a warm feeling inside. 

This is the love of my life. The one I thought I would never find until I met him. Then I remember. I need to tell him something. Something I have been keeping inside me.

I start to talk but stutter.

“Shai..What’s wrong? You ok?”

“Yeah I’m fine. I just have something to tell you..”

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