Chapter 33

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Shai’s POV-

(1 month later)

I am now 5 months pregnant and I am getting really big. Theo has been waiting on me 24/7 even though I can do everything myself. He is just the best husband ever. But today we are going shopping for the babies to get a head start.

We head into the store and I go straight to the clothes. I hold up a white one with a cheetah on it and say, “Hey look Theo! It’s like Chester Cheetah! I know you like your Cheetos!”

“You know me so well Shai and we are definitely getting it.” Theo then grabs it and throws it in the cart and I giggle. He kisses me on the lips softly and then we continue shopping, grabbing clothes, diapers, cribs, and items for their room. I have a guest room in my apartment but sooner or later we would have to buy a real house. 

We buy our items and walk out of the store. Then we are crowded by paparazzi that come rushing towards us and they drown my voice out. Theo grabs my arm and leads me away. 

Theo yells, “Back off. Get away. MOVE OUT OF OUR WAY!”

We get out with lots of difficulty and get into our car. I then break down in tears from all of the chaos.

“Shai, what’s wrong? Are you okay?”

I say while stuttering with sobs, “I don’t know Theo! I h-honestly don’t know. I-I am n-not ready for this and for the babies.”

“Shai, you are and you know that I will always be there. I will never leave.” He grabs my hand and looks straight into my red, puffy eyes.

I grab his hand and nod my head. I hug him and don’t let go. Ever.

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