Chapter 2

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Shai's POV-

As I look back at Theo, I smile. Then I am suddenly grabbed. What's going on?!? I need Theo. I try to scream but nothing helps. No one's near because I am in the parking lot. The fans are feet away. I feel scratches. Stinging. I yelp with pain. There is searing pain. Then I'm tackled to the ground. My head is throbbing like crazy. I take one last look around, with Theo coming my way. Then everything went black.

Theo's POV-

I finally scream but it's an ugly one. I rush over to Shai. There is an attacker. When I get over there, she is tackled by a girl with crazy eyes and messy brown hair. I can't make out a face. Everything is too crazy to comprehend. The girl is scratching and hitting her head against the concrete. I throw the girl off of Shai, desperate to get to her. As soon as I do this, all the fans are noticing and trying to rush over to us. The guards conceal them and I get me and Shai's manager to help us. I scoop her limp body up in my arms, with tears stinging my eyes. My vision blurred, I rush to the car, not waiting for the managers and put her in. The premiere can wait. I have to get her help. I climb into the driver's seat and hit the gas pedals. My head is spinning. I can't think. As soon as I think that things can't get worse, we are pulled over by the police. Speeding. I can't pull over. I keep driving, even faster than before even.

The officer shouts out of his window, "Pull over, sir. Speeding is a serious crime."

I'm blindly driving. When we arrive at the hospital, the officer approaches me outside, with Shai in my arms.

The officer states, "Sir, you were speeding. You are in deep trouble."

"I'm sorry, officer. I need to get her inside. Just give me a minute, please," I say crying.

Shai is still unconscious in my arms. She is bruised pretty badly, with major cuts and head trauma. I rush inside, and shout, "Help, I need help! Get me a doctor!" A doctor rushes at me and takes Shai from my arms.

The police officer comes up to me and hands me a ticket. "This time only, James," he says with a smile. He must be a fan.

"What is your name, sir?" the doctor states.

"Theo James, and this is Shailene Woodley. Give her the best care possible. You understand me," I say with anger hidden in my voice.

The doctor nods, and I give Shai a kiss on the forehead. She still looks battered and bruised, obvious in her cheekbones. With soft tears, coming out of my eyes, I whisper, "Don't you give up on me. You're strong, brave. I love you."

And with that, she was taken away from me to an uncertain future.

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